Chapter twenty two

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That's the part I hate. When the bad people make the good people turn against them, forcing the good people to be worse then the bad people. -C.R

Ivy and Newt laid together sliently. The greenie had found out his name which was Thomas. But now, Ivy had other things on her mind. She wanted to know one thing how did Newt-

"What are you thinking about love?" Newt ask cutting off her train of thought.

"I was just wondering." She said bit wanting to tell him.

"Wondering about what?" He pushed. Ivy sighed and sat up.

"You can't get mad at me okay?" Newt nodded. "I was wondering how you got your limp." She amitted quietly. Newt sighed. He knew he couldn't keep it from her forever but he was hopping that he'd have more time.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked her, at first Ivy was unsure but instead she nodded.

"A few months before you came up in the box, I was a runner." Newt started, the day flashd through his mind perfectly, which made him hate himself. "I was really mad, I thought we'd never find a way out of here, my anger turned into sadness. Then I got this idea, if I ended it all, I wouldn't have to face this horrible place. So I climbed up the wall, and I jumped. The fall didn't kill me, it broke my leg. Alby found me and dragged me back the the glade before the doors closed." Newt told.

"You tried to kill yourself." I whispered. Newt sighed and nodded.

"But you know what?" Newt said stopping her from thinking and speaking. "I'm glade that I didn't die, because I got to meet you." He told her. Ivy smiled lightly before looking up to her boyfriend taking in his handsome features.

"Do you ever feel like that now?" She asked.

"Like what?"

"Like you wanna kill yourself." Newt looked down ashamed in himself for having such thoughts when he had someone like Ivy to keep him strong.

"Sometimes." He whispered. Ivy wanted to cry but she didn't. Instead she looked up at him and kissed his jaw.

"Since you told me that, I have something to show you." She said. He looked at her and nodded. She sat infront of him and lifted the bottom of the tank top up, right above her pant line was a simple word etched out onto her skin in black ink.

"You have a tattoo?" He questioned. Ivy nodded. Newt ran his fingers over the word 'freedom' making goosebumps rise onto Ivy's skin.

"Why didn't you tell me this was there?" He asked her, pulling Ivy onto his lap.

"We all have our secrets." She replied. Newt hummed and placed his lips on her collar bone.

"Yeah, I guess we do." He mumbled. Ivy turned in his lap so she was straddling him.

"Thank you for telling me Newt." She whispered.

"You're welcome love." He mumbled pressing his lips to hers. In the heat of the moment no matter the situations from seconds before, Ivy moved her hands to Newts hair. Their lips moved together and their tounges almost in a dance. Newt moved his lips down Ivy's neck biting down on her collarbone sucking on the spot until he had made a perfectly round purple patch on her skin.

"Newt." She gasped. He moved his lips back to hers and let their lips move together. "We, should, go, to, bed." Ivy mumbled between kisses. Newt nodded. He moved his lips from hers and Ivy climbed off Newts lap. She laid down and Newt brought the covers over her after he turned off the light.

Newt wrapped his arm around Ivy's waist bringing her closer. "Newt." Ivy breathed tired.

"Yeah love?"

"I-I love you." She mumbled.

"I love you too beautiful." He whispered in her ear kissing her cheek.

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