Chapter twenth three

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"And I'd just nod because I knew that if I tried to speak I would start crying." - Ruth Ozeki

"Run Tommy!" Ivy yelled over her shoulder. They had went to go look at section seven in the maze after they found a dead Grevier.

"Don't look back!" Minho yelled, he looked back slightly to make sure the two were with him. They ran as fast as they could, the ground rumbled under their feet making it harder. One of the walls fell making Ivy screech.

Thomas triped and almost had it land on her but Ivy and Minho grabbed him hauling him to his feet. The blades started to close, Ivy and Minho got through but Thomas was having a hard time doing so.

"Come on Tommy!" Ivy yelled.

"You can do it shank!" Minho yelled. They both yelled encouragements to him until he finally lent into it and ran through the blades. They got to the opening that was closing and crawled through. Ivy fell and landed on her wrist. She screamed when she put all her weight on it.

"What's wrong?" Minho asked quickly.

"I think I broke my wrist." She cried. Thomas and Minho looked at each other, they helped her up before they all ran through the maze trying to get back to the Glade as fast as they could. Until they got there Minho ripped her shirt and wrapped it around Ivy's wrist.

When they got back to the glade each stepping in the puddle for the rain everyone was waiting for them. "What the hell was going on out there!?" Gally yelled. Ever since Alby had gotten stung Gally tried to take over, but Newt was in charge.

"We found a way out." Thomas said. He sounded so sure about himself Ivy felt like she needed to back the greenie up.

"We might have found a way out. It looks promising to me." She said. Gally wasn't pleased though.

"Thomas doesn't know what he's done yet again!" Gally yelled. "Listsen you've been here three days, I've been here three years"

"And your still here Gally!" Thomas yelled cutting Gally off.

"Guys!" Teresa yelled. Everyone looked over to her. "Its Alby." She said. Newt, Minho, Ivy, Thomas and Teresa all started off towards the homestead.

"Hey suckface get Clint to check out your wrist." Minho said to Ivy who nodded.

"What the hell happened to your wrist?" Newt asked. Ivy dropped her head to hide it from everyone's eyes.

"I fell on it." She mumbled. He chu kled lightly and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"You're too clumsy love." He told her.

"I know." She said. Newt shook his head and kissed her temple. When they got to the homestead Jeff took care of Ivy's wrist giving her some pain killers and wrapping it up the best he could, but he could really do anything for a broken wrist with W.I.C.K.E.D not sending up anymore supply's.

Ivy made her way into the room with everyone else and gave Alby a small smile. As they stood in the room for a few minutes some boy came running into the room.

"What's wrong?" Newt asked him, his voice fill of authority.

"The doors... They aren't closing." The boy said.



Okay so I haven't decided if im gonna squeeze everything into the next chapter or be no e and make two chapters. I'll probably be nice but you never know with me ;)

So let me know in the comment and what you think, vote if you enjoyed and until next time my ducklings :*


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