Chapter fourteen

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"If you wanna go fast you go alone but if you wanna go far you go together."

"Make sure you keep up shuck face!" Minho said to Ivy.

"Yeah yeah shut up." Ivy said running beside Minho. The two ran down hallways and made turns before Minho stopped running.

"How are you not sweating?" Minho panted sliding down a wall taking out his water bottle.

"Guys I'm just in better shape then you." Ivy teased. Minho gave a dry chuckle.

"Yeah right shank." Minho said. Ivy sat down beside Minho taking out her water bottle and then her apple.

"Why not eat your sandwich?" Minho asked her. Ivy shrugged.

"I dunno, I don't like running with so much in my stomach." Ivy shrugged. Minho finished off his sandwich and Ivy drank some more water before they packed up and kept running. They made it all the way to a section with a large '7' on it.

"Alright we turn around now." Minho said, Ivy stopped running at looked at the section.

"When do we get to go in there?" She asked.

"Next week, its only open once a week." Minho said. Ivy nodded and ran beside Minho back to the glade.

At the doors waiting for the two was Newt, a worried look on his face as he looked down the the ground. "Hey, don't look so down." Ivy said jogging up to him. He looked up and gave her a small smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to hers. "I've gotta go to the map room with Minho." Ivy said between small pecks.

"No its fine, just make sure you're there next time." Minho said, both Ivy and Newt nodded.

"So, how is my little runner?" Newt asked wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on the top of her head. Ivy wrapped her arms around Newt hiding her face in his chest.

"Fine, what about you?"

"Full of worry." He answered truthfully. Ivy sighed and looked up to him kissing his jawline.

"You don't have to worry babe I'm fine. I'll have Minho with me until I get the hang of it." She told him. Newt chuckled and placed his lips on her nose.

"Well then don't get the hang of it, I need to know you're safe all the time." He said. Ivy laughed and unwrapped her arms from around him.

"Alright let's go you dork." She said grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the doors by his hands.

"Where are we going?" Newt asked her.

"You've got a job to do still and worring about me is not one of them." She said. Newt chuckled.

"Alright, alright miss bossy pants." Newt said playfully.

"Yeah, now you take that cute butt of yours and get to work." She said kissing him and running away.

"Hey! Get back here!" Newt yelled chasing after her.

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