Chapter thirteen

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"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate." -Jack Sparrow

Newt rubbed up and down Ivy's arm trying to wake her up. When her eyes finally fluttered open Newt smiled.

"Rise and shine beautiful." He said smiling.

"Good morning to you too." She replied with a smile.

"Are you ready to become a runner?" He asked her. He had a wary look on his face but tried to cover it up. Ivy nodded biting her bottom lip out of habit. Newt ran his thumb along her lip before kissing her.

"Don't worry babe, I'll be fine." Ivy reassured him. Newt nodded kissing her again.

"Minho wants you up so you can get ready." He told her. Ivy nodded and sat up in the bed. She looked around the room to see it was Newt's.

"You never moved me from last night." She stated. Newt smiled.

"You just looked to bloody cute." He told her, Ivy's face lit up red and Newt laughed.

"Let's go." He said standing up. Ivy nodded and put her hair up in a ponytail, Newt grabbed her hand and pulled her out of his room.

"Morning sunshine." Minho said as the two walked down the creaky old stairs.

"Morning handsome." She said teasingly.

"I'll meet you guys by the doors." Newt said, Ivy nodded and kissed him quickly before Minho led her away.

"So shuckface, we've got to get you things like a watch and a backpack." Minho said. Ivy nodded and let Minho lead her to a room at the bottom of the homestead. He turned on a light that illuminated the whole room that smelt like dust and wood chips, the room was full of knives and weapons. What caught Ivy's eye was a wodden bow off to the side with a dozen of arrows by it. She picked it up and pulled the string back testing the stability.

"I'd let you have it but that ones Alby's." Minho told her, Ivy nodded and continued to look as Minho found her a pack and other things she'd need.

"Alright here." He said handing her a black pack that was almost the same style. He helped her put it on before handing her a dark purple water bottle. "Your shoes should be good. If not we can request you some." He explained. Again all Ivy did was nod. "Alright pick two knifes." She walked up to a table piled with knives.

Picking up a black handed hunting knife she smiled as it weighed out perfectly. She then grabbed a redhanded dagger putting them in her beltloop.

"Let's go get some food." He said. Ivy's stomach growled and she nodded.

"Good idea." she agreed, they walked out of the room and walked beside Minho to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Everyone talked as they ate the flat tasteless pancakes, it really was nasty but its not like they could do anything about it.

"Alright time to get our lunch." Minho said standing up.

"Alright." Ivy agreed, they walked to Frypan's kitchen and grabbed some sandwiches with a apple and a bottle of cold water. "Are we leaving now?" She asked, Minho smiled lightly and nodded. .

As they walked to the doors Ivy smiled as she saw her boyfriend standing there waiting.

"I'll see you when you get back." Newt said over the loud scraping sound of the doors.

"Okay babe." She said kissing him lightly, she was about to run into the maze with Minho for the first time before a hand latched onto her wrist.

"Come back in one piece love." Newt said. Ivy nodded with a small smile before she ran into the maze.

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