Chapter fifteen

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"I've said in one I've said it twice I've said it a thousand fucking times. That I'm okay that I'm fine. That its all just in my mind. But this has got the best of me & I can't seem to sleep." -BMTH

// this is dedicated to @_Kat_the_writer_ hope you enjoy this update :D)

Ivy dashed across the feild laughing. Newt pushed himself further, his limp hardly noticeable as he ran after her. He caught up to her wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to the ground.

Ivy let out a laugh as she laid on her back beside Newt. "This is from something like a really cheesie movie I saw once." Ivy said, Newt chuckled and took her hand in his.

"Then I'm really cheesie." He told her. Turning on her side Ivy looked down at him and smiled.

"You're adorable." She said, he smiled back and chuckled as some of her hair fell out of her long palit.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled. Ivy's cheeks glowed with red and she dropped her face into his chest. Chuckling Newt brushed hair behind her ear and kissed the top of her head.


"Yeah love?"

"Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" Ivy asked quietly. She wanted to hope they'd get out but she also didn't want to be living off of a fairytail. Something that's not real, that won't ever happen.

"Maybe one day." Newt replied. Ivy sighed and sat up. "What as you doing?" Newt asked her.

"I'm gonna go to the map room." She said.

"Minho said you didn't have to go today." Newt said.

"I know, I have to talk to Minho." She said running towards the map room. She ran inside where Minho was sat drawing out his map. Ivy sat beside him in a chair and looked at what he was drawing out.

"I said you had the day off." Minho said without looking up at Ivy. She signed.

"I know, just uh... Minho do you think we're going to get out of here?" She asked. Minho sighed and looked over towards her.

"Let me show you something." Minho said standing up. Ivy stood up as he walked to a table in the middle of the room where a table sat with a sheet overtop of it. He ripped the sheet off it to reveal a full mapped out Maze. "I've ran the whole thing by myself. Things are opening up all the time now I've got you to help me. We'll find a way out." He said. Ivy nodded.

"Thanks Minho." She replied with a half smile.

"No problem cupcake." He said. "Now go on, I'm sure your Newt in shinning armor is dying to see you." He said with a smirk. Ivy laughed and ran out of the map room.

She walked around the glade a bit and found herself at the wall full of names. She traced her finger over the crossed out names wondering what happened to them.

"Hey Ivy!" Chuck called running up to Ivy. She turned to him and smiled.

"Hey bud, how are ya?" She asked he smiled.

"I'm good. Where we're you today?" He asked. Ivy chuckled softly and sar down in the grass, he sat down beside her with a smile.

"I was running in the maze." She told him.

"The maze?" He asked.

"Yeah the maze its outside the big walls, the Runners and I we're truing to find a way out." She told him.

"Really?" He asked almost excited. "Does that mean we can find my parents?" He asked. Ivy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah bud that means we can find your parents. You might not remember them now, but I promise I'll help you find them." Ivy said. Chuck smiled widley showing off his dimples, Ivy copied him.

"You have dimples." Chuck told her.


"Yeah, they look good on you." He complemented. Ivy laughed lightly.

"Thanks Chucky, you've got them too." Ivy replied.

"I do?" Ivy nodded.

"They look cute." She replied. Chuck groaned. "What?" She asked laughing.

"I don't wanna be cute." Chuck said.

"Well what do you want to be?" Ivy asked him.

"I don't know, anything but cute." He replied. Ivy laughed loudly clutching her stomach.

"I haven't heard you laugh like that since you got here." Newt said walking up to them. Ivy smiled and patted the spot next to her. Newt sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"So Chucky what'd they make you do today?" Newt asked the younger boy.

"Uh Slicer." Chuck replied with a cringe."I think I was sick four times."

"They didn't even let me try it." Ivy said.

"I don't think you'd enjoy murdering some little piggy's." Newt said Chuck nodding his head.

"I don't want to murder anything." She laughed.

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