Chapter Twenty-Five

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A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love. A hug is just a hug until you find the one you're always thinking of. A dream is just a drwa until it comes true, love was just a word until I met you. -Unknown

Teresa sat in the pit with Thomas who laid uncoutious. Clint and Jeff said he should be up soon, after he pulled the stunt by stabbing himself with the Greaviers stinger Teresa was quick to react and get the surum. Ivy sat beside Newt and Chuck, Minho on the far side.

With a groan Thomas woke up looking up at Teresa, then he averted his eyes to the four outside the pit.

"What the hell was that!?" Chuck asked angrily, he was mad he almost lost one of his best friends. Thomas went into story of the things he had found out from the sting, how him and Teresa worked for W.I.C.K.E.D before all this.

"That doesn't matter." Ivy finally spoke up, everyone looker at her wantinggi know what she had to say. She had been so quite these past few days. "None of that matters anymore. We're living for right now. We're trying to live, trying to get out of here. And with the way my dumbass brother is right now. Taking claim on leader, we have no say in what happens. We need to get out." Ivy wanted to know what the world outside the walls was like, she wanted o get Chuck out of the four walls and into the world. She promised the boy, and she wanted to start a new life- again - with her boyfriend and friends.

"But Gally-" Thomas started but Newt cut him off.

"She's right. We need to get out of here and you know if Alby was here he'd say the same thing-" Newt got cut off by Ivy.

"Pick your ass up and finish what you started." Ivy's Irish accent had gotten stronger with the sentence she spoke. It had been happening more often now.

Thomas nodded. "What do we do?" He asked.

"Gally's planning a banishing tonight." Minho said, everyone nodded and talked over the plain before putting it into action.


"He's crazy!" Teresa yelled at the boys as she was being tied up. Ivy looked over her shoulder finding Chuck carrying a bunch of weapons and some backpacks that must have held some things she was oblivious to. Her hand grasped the strap of the quiver that was strapped to her back, waiting for Newt's siginal.

Newt gave Minho a nodded before looking at Ivy and doing the same. Ivy nodded and gripped her bow in her hand loading an arrow into it. Thomas jumped up for his position on the floor and threw a punch at one of the boys' faces. Everyone who was in on the plain took out their weapon and walked over to the maze doors. A hurt look crossed Gally's face as he saw Ivy in the group of people.

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