Chapter ten.

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"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

The next morning everyone had gotten breakfast from Frypan and then got straight to work. Ivy made her way over to Gally and the builders and a small smile.

"Hey Gally." She said softly, Gally looked down to her and smiled.

"Morning Solider." He replied, Ivy grinned at the nickname, "you'll be working on the blueprints with me." Gally told her, Ivy nodded.

She sat in a chair and her eyebrowns knitted together almost instantly. Bitting on her lip she started to draw out chairs and tables, huts and stands, then did the math to make sure everything would turn out right.

Newt snuck up on her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Hello beautiful." He mumbled kissing her shoulder. Ivy tried not to let out a giggle she was holding in.

"Hi Newt." She smiled looking over at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"You looked so cute, I had to come pay my girlfriend a visit." He told. Ivy finally let out a small giggle and kissed him quickly on his soft lips.

"You're such a fool." She told him.

"Thank you." He replied kissing her again. Ivy broke away and saw Gally heading over to them, his eyes on the ground.

"Go go Gally's coming." She whispered rushed. Newt smiled cheekily and gave her a soft peck on the lips before jogging away back to the gardens with Zart.

Ivy got back to work and acted like nothing happened, but really she could still feel his lips on hers and his arms wrapped around her waist. Ivy let out a small sigh with a smile on her face. Gally finally walked up to her and opened his mouth to say something but a loud blaring scrien went off bouncing off the Glade walls.

"New greenie coming, congrats Ivy." He said instead. She smiled and got up following him and every other glader then bolted for the box that she had come up a month ago.

Newt walked up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder bringing her into his side.

"You ready to be promoted?" He asked her, Ivy nodded.

"So ready." She replied.

"That's my girl." He said kissing the top her her head. Alby walked up to them with a smile stretched out onto his face.

"Well guess who's the gossip of the glade." He said.

"Oh gosh please no." Ivy said covering her face in her hands before hiding in Newt's chest.

"This isn't gonna help much." Newt told her.

"I don't care." She mumbled, but her voice was muffled. Both Alby and Newt chuckled before they got into a conversation about the new greenie.

When the box finally stopped at the top Gally threw the doors open and hopped in.

"Morning greenie." He said, Ivy peered over the side of the box to see a boy with brown curly hair, he was quite chubby. But adorable.

The boys pulled the two out of the box and Alby asked him questions just like he did with every other boy.

The new boy looked younger then anyone else, and Ivy had made it her ungivin job to make sure this boy was alright at all times.

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