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Third Person

brinnley was sat at home by herself doing some homework. clara was at jess's while her parents were out at work.

she was going to see zach and the rest of the boys later to finish the song they had been working on for a few months now which she was excited for.

after she had been sat on her couch for about an hour focused on homework her doorbell rang. brinnley furrowed her eyebrows confused since she wasn't expecting anyone but went to the front door to see who it was.

she opened the door which revealed amara who stood on her porch nervously playing with her hair. once amara noticed the door open she looked up making eye contact with a very confused brinnley.

"uh hi" amara quickly said.

"hey?" brinnley responded hesitantly. "what are you doing here?"

"well i know that i really have no place to really show up here but i just wanted to talk since we didn't get to at school yesterday" amara told her. "and i didn't want to do this over the phone so i thought this would be better"

"i mean i guess it isn't since i've obviously caught you off guard and overstepped i just-"

"would you like to come in?" brinnley interrupted her moving to the side of the door so she could let her in.

amara froze for a minute but nodded walking into the girl's house. once inside brinnley closed the door and the two awkwardly stood in the foyer not saying a word.

"would you like to sit?" brinnley finally spoke up after some awkward silence.

"yes let's sit" amara agreed as they traveled over to the couch. once they sat down they soon became quiet once again.

"so can we just get to the point where you wanted to talk because this awkward silence is making me uncomfortable" brinnley suggested.

amara slowly nodded and took a deep breath before starting. "i'm so sorry for everything i said, and i know that's like the bare minimum but i mean it, i shouldn't of mentioned evan like that and called you all of those names it was insensitive and i was being a horrible friend. i hate myself for what i did and if i could take it all back i would because i hurt you knowing all the shit you've gone through"

"well why did you?" brinnley asked with a blank face. "why would you say all of those things knowing how i would feel?"

amara sighed, "i got jealous"

"of what? me?" brinnley furrowed her eyebrows as amara nodded. "why were you jealous of me?"

"why? brinnley look at you!" amara stated. "you're pretty, you're an amazing friend and your life is perfect. you have two loving parents and an amazing younger sister who support you in everything. you have zach and the boys who literally adore you, you corbyn and jack are such a power trio, you and zach would be such a cute couple. since you've met the boys you have such a strong fan base who love you, which is something you've always wanted, you could start that clothing line you've always wanted to start if you wanted! and what do i have? absolutely nothing"

"you had me, and evelyn, and the boys too we all loved you but then you started treating us like shit" brinnley replied. "i get you were jealous but why didn't you just tell me?"

"what do you think would've happened if i came straight up and said 'hey brinnie i'm jealous of you and want your life'? do you think that would've ended well?" amara crossed her arms as brinnley shook her head. "exactly, my first thought was to come up with ways to bring you done to fix my insecurities"

"well it fucking worked i felt like shit" brinnley said playing with the rings on her fingers.

"i'm so sorry i shouldn't of ever done that, you don't have to forgive me but i just wanted you to know that it was me acting like a bitch"

"i mean i already knew that, i just wanted to know why you were acting like a bitch"

amara laughed quietly for a second. "i don't know why but that made me laugh how honest you were, but you have a good point"

"can i ask you something?" brinnley asked.

"yeah of course"

"so one of the girls thought about this and it kind of makes sense but...did or do you have feelings for zach? is that what caused the jealousy?" brinnley skeptically questioned.

amara's eyes widened but soon turned into a fit of laughter, "what? no of course not! i had feelings for jack but he just wanted to be friends but i never thought of zach that way, i was always rooting for you guys, i hope y'all get together at some point though i promise that. y'all would be so cute"

"zach and i are actually dating" brinnley blurted out causing amara to gasp.

"WHAT? SINCE WHEN?" amara asked with a growing smile on her face.

brinnley started to smile herself, "since new year's, he asked me out in hawaii, i had lav approve of it first"

"aw brinnley that's so cute, i'm so happy for you" amara congratulated her.

"thanks" brinnley said. silence soon swept up between the two before brinnley spoke. "i forgive you amara"

amara looked at the girl with caution. "really? you do? why?"

"jealously makes people do crazy things, i'm in no way saying what you did was right, and me forgiving you doesn't mean we can go back to the way we were, i'm not ready for that" brinnley explained. "but i think it's better for the both of you if we let this tension go"

amara nodded, "i understand we won't be the way we were, but thank you for forgiving me. well i should go i'll see you at school"

"yeah i'll see you then" brinnley nodded.


yep brinnley and amara's friendship is somewhat repaired no more negativity here :)
bye loves <3

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