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Third Person

after the show ended the two went back to the hotel and up to their room. the whole time back they talked about the food and the play, and how much they enjoyed it.

"that waitress was eyeing you though" brinnley pointed out as she pulled out the things she would need to get ready for bed. "like the whole time"

"aw are you jealous brinn?" zach teased as the girl glared at him. "don't be jealous i don't even know her name"

"wait i even know her name? she literally told us when we first got there" brinnley reminded him. "how do you not remember?"

"i didn't even know she told us" zach shrugged. "i probably just wasn't listening"

"makes sense" brinnley giggled. "i'm going to shower, pick a movie please"

"i mean i could join-"

"PICK A MOVIE HERRON" brinnley cut him off as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"YOU ARE NO FUN" zach huffed. as he was about to pick a movie zach got a text message. he checked his phone and his eyes widened. "um brinn i'll be back i'm gonna check on clara and jess and make sure they're okay for the night!"

"okay!" brinnley yelled back.

zach quickly grabbed his room key and his phone and ran out of the room. he got to clara and jess's room and knocked frantically.

clara opened up the door scared. "zach what? is brinn hurt or something? are you okay? why are you knocking on the door like that?"

"no we're fine can i just come in?" zach asked. clara nodded and let the boy inside.

jess was sat on her bed and she furrowed her eyebrows at the boy. "where are your shoes?"

zach shook his head, "i didn't have time for shoes"

"zach what's going on?" clara questioned folding her arms. "and where is brinn?"

"she's in the room taking a shower" zach told her. "but i couldn't stay in the room because evan texted me, i didn't want her to see just in case it sent her into a frenzy"

"wait wait, evan texted you?" jess asked as zach nodded. "why? what does he want?"

"i don't know, he just hit me up in my dms and all i saw was his name" zach explained.

"okay well i'm glad you kept this from brinn for the time being, but you know you have to tell her right?"clara asked.

zach nodded, "obviously i'm going to tell her"

"okay good, now let's see what evan wants" jess said.


evan yo

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