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brinnie 🥀 omg pls help me
amara 🌷 oh no what did you do
brinnie 🥀 what?
brinnie 🥀 why do i have to have done something?
amara 🌷 idk it just makes sense
ev 🌈 what do you need help w brinn?
brinnie 🥀 ok don't freak out but i have a date with zach tomorrow and need help picking out an outfit
ev 🌈 we're on our way
ev 🌈 amara hurry and pick me up now
amara 🌷 i'm getting in my car now!!
brinnie 🥀 wait what
brinnie 🥀 y'all are coming over?
ev 🌈 yes
amara 🌷 yes
brinnie 🥀 okay then
—— Third Person
amara and evelyn pulled up to brinnley's house as soon as possible and ran out of the car to the front door banging on it like it was life and death.
clara opened the door to see the two eager girls. "yeah she's upstairs but calm down she doesn't need the crazy hyper attitude she's really nervous"
"why?" evelyn asked as the two girls walked inside.
"this is the first date since you know who so she's freaking out" clara told them as amara and evelyn nodded and walked upstairs.
amara and evelyn walked into the girl's room to see her pacing around her room fiddling with the rings on her fingers.
amara walked up to the girl and sat her down on her bed. "okay you need to calm down and stop pacing"
"yeah you're making us nervous" evelyn said.
"oh i'm sorry my distress is worrisome" brinnley snapped causing both girls to look shocked. once brinnley realized what she said she exhaled. "sorry i'm just-ugh why did i do that?!"
"brinn it's okay i'm not mad, just shocked you snapped at-"
"no ev i'm not talking about you" she stated. "i asked out zach the other day that's why we are going on this date"
amara and evelyn looked stunned. "whoaaa"
brinnley nodded her head. "i didn't even mean to do it! we were eating and he just looked really cute and then it just slipped out!"
"but he said yes" amara mentioned.
"okay so?" brinnley asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"so that means he obviously likes you just didn't know how to say it himself, so when you asked him out he was happy" evelyn pointed out.
"i mean i guess you guys are right" brinnley said calming down. "alright help me find an outfit"
"i'm just confused as to why you didn't ask jack and corbyn to do this because they are your stylists" evelyn said walking to the closet.
"yeah why didn't you ask them? your fits are always on point, i don't know if evelyn and i can top them" amara agreed looking through the closet.
"well because zach is like their best friend and i don't really want to be like 'hey i have a date with zach tomorrow can you pick out my fit' cause that's weird" brinnley explained.
"okay yeah i get that" amara said. "oh hey what about this?" she held up a white crop top and blue jeans.
"wait that's so cute" brinnley said getting off the bed and walking over to amara.
"wow you really doubted me huh" amara scoffed.
"yeah i don't usually have faith in you, i've learned to look for disappointment first and see if you prove me wrong" brinnley told her.
"that hurts, never talk to me again" amara said turning her head away from the blonde who started to laugh.
"girl shut up you doubted yourself first, and brought me down with you" evelyn reminded her as she looked through the shoe rack. "i've never noticed how many shoes you have brinn"
"yeah there's a lot, what can i say? i'm a shoe junky" brinnley shrugged as she examined her outfit.
"okay i found shoes" evelyn exclaimed holding them up. "please like them i do NOT want to go through that rack again there are just too many shoes"
brinnley laughed, "no these are actually a really good combination with the outfit, it's so much better than what o was going to wear"
"what were you gonna wear?" amara asked.
brinnley walked over to the back of her bedroom door where a hoodie and sweatpants were hanging as her two friends gasped and eyes widened. "yeah i know it's bad"
"no it's cute just sometimes casual is um" amara started.
"it's too casual brinnie you look like you're going to bed" evelyn finished causing the three girls to laugh.
"well that's why i called y'all over i couldn't find an outfit to wear, but now i have one" brinnley said hanging her clothes back up.
"yeah your new backup stylists" evelyn said with jazz hands.
"aw we are so efficient" amara stated proudly.
"amara that's not when you would use that" brinnley told her.
amara just shrugged, "y'all i'm failing like three of my classes and have been in a basics english class since honors was offered to us i don't know what you expect from me at this point"
"well at least you are graduating with us" evelyn said. "you are in fact graduating with us right?" brinnley then started laughing instantly.
"i hate you guys, of course i'm graduating" amara pouted throwing a pillow at evelyn's head and then another at brinnley.
"ow! what did you hit me for? i didn't say it!" brinnley yelled.
"yeah but you laughed which is rude" amara huffed.
"you're so dramatic oh my god" brinnley and evelyn said at the same time.
"that's me" amara said flipping her hair as the other two girls rolled their eyes jokingly.
hi! i hope y'all have a wonderful day! bye loves <3