Third Person
"okay so if you could have any superpower in the world but only one power, what would it be and why?" brinnley asked zach as they sat in chick-fil-a waiting for their food.
"invisibility" zach said instantly. "so i can keep pranking people, mostly jack, and never get caught"
brinnley shook her head and laughed. "of course you would do that"
"okay ms. judgy what would you pick?" zach asked.
"easy, teleportation" brinnley said as they heard their number called so they both got up to get their food.
"why teleportation?" zach asked as he thanked the guys who handed him their tray.
"so i can go anywhere, i like to travel so it would be cool, and so if i'm ever ambushed like i was at school i just poof away" she told him.
"yeah that makes sen-"
"oh my gosh zach? zach herron?!" a voice said. the two turned around to see a girl and her friend staring at them with wide eyes. "oh and brinnley hi!"
"we are such big fans of why don't we, and brinnley you seem like such a nice person, sorry if that sounds weird" the girl told them.
"no not at all! i don't do anything special but go to school so i get what you mean" brinnley said smiling.
"what are your names?" zach asked the girls.
"i'm jaelyn and this is my friend ava" she stated.
"well it is nice to meet you guys" zach said.
"can we get a picture?" ava asked the two who looked at each other shrugged then looked back at the girls and nodded.
they took some pictures with both girls and talked to them for a little while longer and brinnley was oddly calm with this interaction since she usually hates this kind of stuff.
"sorry we interrupted your date" ava said to them.
"oh no this isn't-we aren't-" zach and brinnley both tried to say but stumbled over their words.
"um we aren't on a date" zach finally got out for the both of them.
"oh okay, some people think that you guys are dating though so that's why i thought you know what i'm just going to stop talking" ava said making the other three laugh.
"well we should let you guys eat, but brinnley can i ask you a question?" jaelyn said causing brinnley to nod. "were those rumors true?"
brinnley sighed, "no they weren't, a few people at my school just made that up for, i don't even know why"
"i knew it! text jenna and tell her she owes me fifty dollars by tomorrow" jaelyn whispered to ava so that zach and brinnley couldn't here.
"it was great meeting you guys!" ava exclaimed as both her and jaelyn walked out of the food place waving.
"you heard what she said to ava right?" brinnley mentioned to zach as they walked back to their table.
"oh yeah" zach said laughing.
"zach it is not funny!" brinnley said hitting him on the shoulder. "people are betting on me now"
"oh calm down it's not that big of a deal" zach reassured her. "i'm surprised at how calm you were when they came up to us"
"yeah i am too, i for sure thought i would of been nervous with that, but i was shockingly okay" brinnley said.
"oh also, we start with the song on friday at 3:00 so don't be late fool" zach said talking a bite of his fry.
"okay see that i might have a problem with, but i'm going to try and not freak out the whole time"
"good i'm glad you are trying"
"cant be scared of everything forever" brinnley said taking one of zach's fries.
"you literally said you didn't want fries" zach complained.
"yeah but yours look good" brinnley shrugged as she took a bite. "yup they taste good too"
"i hate you so much" zach huffed.
"you love me shut up"
"don't tell me to shut up, you shut up"
"no you" brinnley fought.
"you are literally such a child i can't stand you" zach replied.
"coming from the guy that didn't get his drivers license until like yesterday" brinnley teased.
zach gasped, "don't be lying on my name like that brinnley, i got it a couple of months ago and you know that"
"yeah but that's mad late" brinnley giggled.
"shut up i hate you" zach said.
"you said that already, you need some new material sir" brinnley told him causing zach to roll his eyes jokingly.
"yeah whatever you say" zach said while she smiled widely at him taking a sip from her drink. he stared at the girl for a minute admiring her until he realized he was staring and turned away quickly.
brinnley looked up to see the boy with a small smile on his face which she thought was pretty cute, she then realized that she was also smiling because of how happy he looked.
"you wanna go out?" brinnley blurted out covering her mouth the second she said it.
zach looked up at her with wide eyes. "did you just-ask me out?"
"i um i think i did, but like accidentally which is weird but let's just ignore that i said that and move along" brinnley said nervously biting her nails.
"hey hold on now, what if i have an answer to your question" zach said.
brinnley shook her head, "yeah i don't think i want to hear that answer do i?"
"well that depends, now i was going to say yes unless you wanted me to say no. so if you wanted me to say no then you most definitely wouldn't want to hear my answer" he told her smiling.
"oh i guess your answer works too" brinnley said smiling. "so when and where are we doing this?"
"thursday i'm picking you up from school so tell amara to drive you guys" zach told her. "but i'm not telling you where we are going yet and don't complain about the fact that it is a surprise, i get it,
you hate them""fine i won't complain, but am i dressing up or down? since i have to go to school i need to know if i should bring an extra pair of clothes so no one looks at me" brinnley asked him causing him to chuckle.
"it doesn't have to be anything fancy i promise" zach explained.
"wow we are going on a date on thursday- wait zach"
"that's tomorrow" brinnley said once she thought about it.
"yeah i know, why you have something to do tomorrow?" he asked. "because if so we can just reschedule it"
"no it's not that, well it is, i just have my last tutoring session with ashton tomorrow, i just emailed mrs. crane and she understood so i just have my last one" brinnley informed him.
"how long is the session?"
"it goes until 4:15" she told him.
"i'll wait then" zach stated causing brinnley to furrow her eyebrows and shake her head. "yes b i'll wait, i have some errands to run anyway so we can just go then"
brinnley smiled, "okay herron i'm down"
"great" zach said grinning.
bye loves <3

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐳𝐝𝐡 ✓
Fanfictionʚ♡⃛ɞ 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐳𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐮𝗺𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝗼𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝗼 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝗼 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝗺𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝗼𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍: [𝟷𝟶-𝟷𝟻-𝟸𝟶] 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍: [𝟹-𝟸𝟸-𝟸𝟷] ~𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎�...