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(tw!!)- mentions of abuse + self- harm pls don't read if this triggers/bothers you! i'm always here to talk if any of you need <33

(tw!!)- mentions of abuse + self- harm pls don't read if this triggers/bothers you! i'm always here to talk if any of you need <33

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z 🥺

b 💘

z 🥺
can i come over?

b 💘

z 🥺

z 🥺
unless ur busy then i don't have to

b 💘
no i'm not busy u can come over

z 🥺
cool i'll be there in 15 minutes

b 💘

Third Person

like zach anticipated he was there about fifteen minutes later. he was more nervous about this than he was when he asked her out.

he walked up to the front door, took a deep breath, a mini pep talk, and knocked on the door. a few seconds later it was opened by brinnley's dad cole.

"hey zach come on in!" cole greeted letting the boy inside. "it's been a while since you've come over, how have you been?"

"hi cole! i've been okay i guess, just trying to keep myself busy" zach shrugged as he put his hands into his pockets.

cole nodded, "well that's good, i hear everything with the song is going well, thanks for setting that up for brinnley by the way"

"oh it was nothing, she's really talented" zach told him.

"cole is that zach?" liz asked walking out of the kitchen to see the brunette wave. "hi zach!" she said walking over to give the boy a hug.

"hi liz how have you been?" zach asked as they released from the hug.

"i've been well, how are you?" liz asked him.

"he's been awful actually" clara said coming down from the stairs. "he hasn't talked to brinn in weeks"

zach glared at the younger girl. "hahaha you are so funny clara thank you for that reminder, speaking of brinn though is she in her room?"

"yep you can just go up there?" clara told him as he nodded, smiled at liz and cole, then proceeded to walk up the staircase to brinnley's room.

he knocked on her door and walks inside once she said to come in. she was sitting on her bed writing something down in a notebook. when she looked up and saw zach she smiled slightly and put the book to the side of her where her dog, zuzu, laid.

"hey brinn" zach said as he awkwardly stood by the door not knowing if he should walk over to her or if he should stay where he was.

"hey zach" brinnley said furrowing her eyebrows. "why are you standing by the door like that?"

he shrugged, "i don't know if you hate me or not so i just thought i should stand here"

brinnley chuckled and pat the spot next to her on the bed. "i don't hate you and you can sit down"

zach sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down petting zuzu who had moved over to him when she noticed he was there. "why don't you hate me though? i've been ignoring you for weeks now"

"i'm the one that turned you down after i literally asked you to ask me out, so i can see why you ignored me, i would've ignored me" brinnley laughed. "i'm surprised you're here though, i thought you hated me"

"i could never hate you" zach said softly causing brinnley to smile. "and trust me i tried"

brinnley's smile immediately dropped and she looked down at her lap while zach started to laugh. "b i'm kidding i wouldn't do that"

brinnley shoved him, "you're so annoying"

zach laughed for a bit before going quiet. "can i ask you something though?" brinnley nodded. "um why did you turn me down?"

brinnley sighed, "you know how i told you, well more like clara did, about my ex, evan?"

zach nodded, "yeah the guy that moved away right?"

"yeah, well he texted me saying he was back in town staying with his aunt for a while, so he's going to go to school with me again in a couple of days"

"oh" zach frowned. "so your feelings for him came back and that's why you said no, i get it"

"no zach not even close!" brinnley said. "when i told you about evan i left out a lot of important parts of why we broke up because i really don't like talking about it, only a few people know, my parents don't even know the real reason why"

"brinn you're starting to scare me" zach raised his eyebrows. "what happened?"

"i don't want to go into details when it comes to certain things because i don't like thinking about it but, he um used to abuse me, physically and emotionally for majority of the relationship, and when he moved and broke up with me that was the best day of my life" brinnley said eyes watering.

"it was so bad that i used to um, harm myself at least once a day with anything i could find, i don't anymore, evelyn caught me and i haven't done it since" brinnley told him as tears started to fall. "but when he texted me that night i felt like i was fifteen again being hurt all the time and degraded and i just couldn't go through that again so i said no when you asked me even though i really wanted to say yes"

zach hadn't realized that he had also started crying he couldn't believe that brinnley had gone through so much pain, she seemed so happy, other than when attention was on her, she was smiling.

he remembered what jack had told him before he left the studio and moved closer to brinnley wiping the tears from her face and giving her a hug. he laid back on the bed having her head laid on his chest while his chin rested on her head.

"i'm sorry that happened to you, and i'm sorry i acted like a dick when you were just trying to explain" he said playing with her hair.

brinnley shook her head, "stop apologizing you didn't know"

"yeah but i still feel bad about it, you always have the right to say no, if you changed your mind that's fine i literally shouldn't have been mad about it" zach said. "we don't have to rush into anything, i want you to let me know when you're ready, i can wait"

"zach you don't have to wait for m-"

"but i want to" zach told her as she looked up at him. "i am going to wait for you"

brinnley smiled as zach gave her a kiss on her cheek. "don't you have to be at the studio?"

"not anytime soon" zach smiled. "can we take a nap though?"

brinnley giggled, "yes, yes we can"


babies 🥺
i hope this wasn't too much for anyone, just know if y'all ever need anyone to talk to i'm here for u!
bye loves <3

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