"okay so prom is in about three weeks what are we all doing?" kate asked the girls even though the question was directed more at evelyn and brinnley since jess and clara weren't seniors.
"well i was going to ask you officially since you don't like promposals and stuff" evelyn said wrapping her arm around her.
"what? you don't like promposals?" jess questioned the older girl.
"no don't get me wrong, i think they are cute. i just never want to be promposed to because it's just too much for me" kate explained.
"well brinn loves them" clara said. "she's always wanted someone to do it for her"
"no literally i love them so much, like they are just so cute but my shyness and single ass said no" brinnley admitted.
"did this bitch just- babe you aren't single" jess reminded her.
"oh shit you're right" brinnley said shocked. "sorry i occasionally forget since i've been single for a while now"
"and the fact that he's zach herron is a lot getting used to anyway, since he's well zach herron" clara stated.
"i forget that you were such a big why don't we fan even before we met the boys" evelyn mentioned.
"no i was in love with all of them, and it's so weird because now they're like my brothers so i refuse to look back on it" clara shivered.
"uh hey brinnley" amara waved as she passed the group of girls as she made her way to class.
"hi amara" brinnley greeted back as the rest of the girls looked at her confused. "okay i know-"
"what the fuck did i just witness?" kate asked.
"calm down, amara came over the other day-"
"she was in our house? fuck, jess remind me that we are going to target and we're getting sage to cleanse the place" clara told her friend as she nodded.
"can y'all shut the fuck up and let me speak" brinnley huffed. "she came over and we talked everything out, she admitted she was jealous and apologized. i forgave her but we are not friends again"
"sure looks like it with that greeting" evelyn raised her eyebrows.
"it is our senior year, i'm not spending the last few months of school on petty drama and neither should y'all, now what are we doing for prom?" brinnley rambled going back to the original topic.
"okay go outside" evelyn said blankly. "now"
"what?" brinnley furrowed her eyebrows.
"oh my god stop questioning us and let's go" jess sighed as she started pushing her out to the front of the school.
"hey brinnley, i like your hair, can we talk really quick i wanted to ask about pr-"
"she cant chat right now asher she's busy" kate informed him patting his shoulder as the group shuffled outside quickly.
"you know this surprise shit is getting tiring" brinnley started until they got outside and what she saw made her immediately stop.
"hi brinn" zach greeted as he held up a poster by his car smiling at her. "will you do me the honor of letting me take you to your prom?"
brinnley was speechless for a minute just looking at the poster then back at the boy in front of her in shock.
"um hello? b are you good?" zach asked furrowing his eyebrows.
she quickly snapped out of her thoughts looking at him. "huh?"
"i asked if you wanted to go to prom with me" zach chuckled stepping up to her.
"oh" brinnley said looking back at the poster.
"oh?" zach instantly was caught off guard. "that's it? that's all i get?"
"well i just can't believe that you made this poster and really expected me to be okay with it. like zachary this is scary, i'm gonna have nightmares from this" brinnley told him.
"girl oh my fucking- just tell him yes!" evelyn impatiently chimed in.
"oh right! yes of course, i would love for you to take me to prom" brinnley finally answered causing him to smile and give her a kiss.
"okay ew y'all are gross, stop because i'm single and we have class now" jess said pulling the two apart.
"okay- wait i will see you later" brinnley said turning back to give him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "also i want a picture of this"
"why so you can make fun of it all day?" zach asked as she nodded. "i worked hard on this poster and you bullying it isn't nice"
"mhm okay bye i'll see you later" brinnley said smiling after she took a quick picture of the poster and left for class with a big smile.
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liked by imzachherron, amarajames, and 20,947 others
brinnleyforbes this poster is going to give me nightmares bc of daniel's head but i'm going to prom w my fav y'all 😝
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username if my date doesn't do this i DONT want it.
username no i'm scared- ↳ brinnleyforbes same boo
evelynbatts i think it's so cute
kate_smith i can just see daniel's pout rn ↳ brinnleyforbes the way i HEAR it
claraforbes this is so cute i love y'all
username wait but who's ur date
jackaverymusic daniels gonna kill ur date ↳ brinnleyforbes what? no he cant
corbynbesson he's already plotting the death- he really hates that picture
username wait the boys know brinn's date? ↳ brinnleyforbes yes ofc they need to approve of him first 😌
username what episode did i miss?? ↳ brinnleyforbes 1,2,3,4 and even 5
a_baker oh- um congrats!!
username boy cant even hide his feelings in a comment section...sir cmon
imzachherron mad cute ↳ brinnleyforbes yea so is the guy 🙊
username cut the cameras deadass
i love y'all, stay safe, make sure to drink some water and don't forget to eat i'm here for all you babes bye loves <3