"ugh why did i do that" brinnley groaned burying her face into her pillow. "i was going to say yes too and now he hates me"
"he doesn't hate you" kate reassured her. "but what really happened?"
"yeah the only person who seems to know is you, zach, jack and clara" jess said causing clara to hit her. "ouch! why did you- ohh crap"
brinnley furrowed her eyebrows, "clara? i didn't tell clara about what happened"
"no you didn't, but zach kind of accidentally told me when we were talking earlier, i kind of pried it out of him though so don't blame him" clara said.
"it's fine c, i knew you were bound to get it out of him, didn't think it would take so long though" brinnley shrugged.
"me too, like since when is he able to keep a secret from me for more than a day? three weeks? gross" clara shivered as the other girls laughed.
"but tell us what's up brinn" evelyn told her as she sat on brinnley's bed. "i'm curious"
"so i may have sorta told zach i was ready to date again and then he took me on this cute restaurant date and asked me out" brinnley sighed. "and as i was about to say yes evan texted me telling me he was back in town and will be going to school with us"
"you're joking right?" kate asked as brinnley shook her head. "oh my god"
"yeah that's what i said" brinnley giggled. "but when i saw his text everything he did just came rushing back and i just panicked so i told zach no instead of yes like i wanted to and left"
"well it seems like he just doesn't want to talk to you because he feels like you turned him down" jess said.
evelyn nodded, "yeah there is no way he hates you he is just hurt by your answer when he asked you to be his girlfriend"
"i probably shouldn't say this but i don't care, he IS only ignoring you because of your answer, he doesn't hate you he just- he's just hurt" clara told her.
"i mean i get it, i told him i was ready then i said i wasn't, not the coolest thing to do" brinnley sighed. "but it was like it was sophomore year all over again"
"and i bet if you told him that he would understand" evelyn stated. "have you ever told him about evan?"
brinnley shook her head, "i didn't want to bring it up yet, it's not easy to tell you know?"
"it's because she's in love with evan still" amara finally spoke up. "i think you should give evan another try, personally i believe"
"what type of crack shit-"
"jess shut up" clara interrupted. "but amara you know who evan is you know what he's like, why would you even suggest that?"
amara threw her hands up in defense. "i was just thinking about how cute they were, and listen, zach isn't all that anyway"
"is this amara we are talking to?" brinnley joked. "amara what's gotten into you?"
"yeah a week ago you couldn't wait for them to get together and now you are trying to talk her out of it" evelyn mentioned folding her arms.
"and you tried this the other day too and failed at playing it off but we all let it go" kate reminded them.
"oh you're right!" jess said. "what has gotten into you?"
amara shrugged, "i just think brinnley is too emotional and needs too much attention to be with zach that's all"
"what?" brinnley laughed. "amara you know better than anyone how much i hate attention"
"you've been doing pretty well with it lately" amara rolled her eyes.
"yeah because zach showed me how to embrace it and deal with it" brinnley argued.
"amara what are you trying to say exactly?" clara asked now getting upset. "you've known us forever, you know how brinn is"
"i'm just saying maybe brinn secretly loves the attention she gets, she has ashton on his knees, evan kissing her feet, and zach awaiting her every move, she's in literal la la land you can't disagree!" amara yelled. "and who knows, maybe she has jack too, y'all are oddly close as it is"
"get out" brinnley said blankly.
"what?" amara asked.
"i said get out amara" brinnley repeated as amara stood there shocked. "did i fucking stutter? leave!"
amara scoffed, grabbed her things and made her way to the bedroom door. "y'all know i'm right" with that amara left without turning back.
"who the fuck was that because that wasn't the amara james i have been friends with since the first grade" evelyn said stunned.
"i just think she's jealous" kate said. "everything amara was complaining about sounds like jealousy of brinn's life, and jealousy changes people"
soon liz came upstairs to the room looking at the girls. "is everything alright i just saw amara walk out, i thought she was staying over?"
brinnley smiled, "she's fine mom, she just had to leave so"
liz nodded, "the rest of you are staying over though?" she asked as all of the girls nodded. "great i ordered pizza it should be here soon"
liz then left the room causing brinnley to groan again while the rest of the girls looked at her confused. "what the hell am i going to do about zach?"
"oh we are back to that now okay" jess said making the girls laugh. "but i say you text him"
"and say what?" brinnley asked.
jess shrugged, "that's all i had i don't know what else you should do someone pitch in"
clara laughed, "jess is right you should text him not first though, you already tried talking to him at the studio so it's his turn to try"
"wait what? girl you left out the part where you already tried to talk to him" evelyn said.
"oh yeah sorry, it's been a long three weeks" brinnley said. "i miss him and his hugs so much"
"wow it's only been three weeks, you are so attached to him it's not even funny" kate laughed.
"shut up kate i just want a zach hug, let me live" brinnley pouted. "ugh i fucked it up"
"no you didn't, he's going to forgive you" jess assured her. "he's just as obsessed with you as you are with him so i think y'all will be fine"
"can we watch a movie now?" evelyn whined. "i love you and all brinn but i want to watch a movie"
brinnley laughed, "yes we can watch a movie"
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