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doof c 🎄 yk my contact name for you gets more and more accurate as the days go on.
idiot z 🤿 what?
doof c 🎄 don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about
idiot z 🤿 omg this again?
idiot z 🤿 clara pls let it go.
doof c 🎄 no zach i will NOT let it go
doof c 🎄 it has been three weeks and y'all still have not spoken since the date, and it's so stupid
idiot z 🤿 so she finally told you what happened?
doof c 🎄 huh? oh god no
idiot z 🤿 then why did you say our fight is stupid-
doof c 🎄 it's just y'all giving each other the silent treatment while you both silently watch me go crazy over not knowing why y'all aren't talking
idiot z 🤿 i'm not telling you clara
doof c 🎄 WHY NOT.
idiot z 🤿 your sister would kill me
idiot z 🤿 you know she hates it when i break news before her
doof c 🎄 then i just won't tell her i know
idiot z 🤿 you cant keep a secret
doof c 🎄 YES I CAN
idiot z 🤿 no YOU can't
doof c 🎄 whatever
doof c 🎄 your still an idiot
idiot z 🤿 why?
doof c 🎄 bc you won't talk to her about whatever is wrong
doof c 🎄 she won't tell me what exactly happened but she said that when y'all were at the studio you ignored her
idiot z 🤿 okay i did do that...
doof c 🎄 STUPID
doof c 🎄 you need to learn how to talk to people omg
idiot z 🤿 i am so good when it comes to talking to people what do you even mean?
doof c 🎄 you had me for a second there zachary, i ALMOST believed you and that statement
doof c 🎄 if the whole music thing doesn't work out i say go for comedy
idiot z 🤿 👁👄👁
idiot z 🤿 uh i wasn't kidding-
doof c 🎄 sorry what?
doof c 🎄 sorry WHAT?
idiot z 🤿 oh here we go
doof c 🎄 you actually think that you ignoring brinn instead of talking to her is a good idea and is classified as some "top notch communication skills"
doof c 🎄 i'm telling you, y'all need to talk like asap
idiot z 🤿 what if i don't want to talk
doof c 🎄 i literally can't help either of you if i don't know
idiot z 🤿 why do you want to help so bad?
doof c 🎄 bc i love you both and y'all are soulmates and kinda ruining my whole being "brinn's maid of honor" plan when you guys get married
doof c 🎄 bc you cant get married if you guys aren't talking and if you don't get married i can't plan the wedding and if i can't plan the wedding she'll marry this random dude who didn't call her a pedo when they met
idiot z 🤿 what the actual fawk 😃
doof c 🎄 you don't?
idiot z 🤿 i JUST asked her out and she said no, i was NOT thinking about marriage
doof c 🎄 that's why your ignoring her? cuz she said no?
idiot z 🤿 shit.
doof c 🎄 no answer me, is that why you're ignoring her?"
idiot z 🤿 well... yeah
doof c 🎄 i might change your contact name to "ACTUAL DUMBASS"
doof c 🎄 i want you to talk to her idc if your feelings are hurt GO TALK TO HER, it'll make you feel better anyway
idiot z 🤿 how do you know it'll make me feel better?
doof c 🎄 bc she's the person who makes you happy within an instant and you know it
doof c 🎄 i have to go but think about it, bye zach!