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Third Person

"what do you mean you aren't going to xander's party? we go together every year!" evelyn said to brinnley as they drove to amara's house to pick her up for school.

"i mean i'm not going ev. zach and i are finally going to meet each other and i'm not passing that up" brinnley told her as they pulled up to amara's house waiting for her to come outside.

"what if zach's a pedophile and has been messing with you all along? you can't go alone. just go with us to xander's and wait until tomorrow to meet where amara and i can spy and if things go left we will be there to help" evelyn told her.

"no evelyn y'all aren't doing that, have fun at xander's tonight" brinnley said as amara got into the car.

"why are you saying that like you aren't coming with us?" amara asked as she set her bag down.

"because she isn't coming with us, she's meeting zach tonight instead of coming with us" evelyn huffed sitting back in her seat.

"but this is our last year going! we have gone every year! what if you wait until tomorrow or something, but please don't miss this" amara pleaded.

"i'm sorry guys, maybe i can still show up but i'll probably be late, i will try and come i promise" brinnley said.

the two friends groaned but agreed both sitting back with their arms crossed and a pout on each face. brinnley rolled her eyes at them and started the car.

when she tried to drive away the car made a not so pleasant noise causing the girl to look confused and so she tried again. it continued to make the same noise and not move.

"what's going on? why aren't we moving?" evelyn asked her.

"i don't know the car just won't start, it keeps making noises but won't move" brinnley told her.

"my dad's still inside, i'll ask him to come help" amara said as she got out and went to get her dad.

amara's dad, kevin, came out and looked at the car. "okay so somethings wrong with your engine but i can't fix it, you guys take amara's car to get to school, i will call triple A and i'll tell your parents about the car brinnley" he said.

"i called them and told them, but thank you mr.james, i owe you one" brinnley said as the three girls climes into amara's car and started to drive to school.

"oh shit how am i supposed to meet up with zach today if i don't have a car?" brinnley asked.

"can you take one of your parents cars?" amara asked her.

"my dad's going to be at work all day, and my mom is taking clara to her soccer game which is going to be all night cause they always run late" brinnley said. "can you drive me amara?"

"no sorry, i have to take dylan to karate after school which runs till four and your thing starts at 2:30" amara told her.

brinnley groaned, "shit, evelyn at times like these i wish you drove"

"yeah me too, but i'm a scaredy-cat and not ready but i'll get there" evelyn said making the girls giggle. "just tell him, i'm sure he'll understand"

brinnley nodded and pulled out her phone to text zach and tell him the bad news.


brinn 😈whatcha doinnn?

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brinn 😈
whatcha doinnn?

zach 🔞
top secret band stuff

brinn 😈
is that what we call it now?

zach 🔞
yeah pretty much

brinn 😈
hm k

brinn 😈
well i don't want to interrupt or anything so i'll leave you be and just talk to you later i guess

zach 🔞
okay what's wrong

zach 🔞
you just said "i guess"

brinn 😈
okay so pls don't get mad and i'm really sorry

brinn 😈
but i cant hang out today

zach 🔞
oh. why not?

brinn 😈
my car broke down this morning and amara's dad is currently having triple A pick it up, but now i have no way of getting to you bc everyone is too busy to drive me and evelyn doesn't drive so

brinn 😈
are you mad?

zach 🔞
mad? no ofc not!

zach 🔞
it's not your fault, we will try again another time

brinn 😈
oh thank god, you're so sweet

brinn 😈
but i will definitely take that rain check

zach 🔞
i'm counting on it

brinn 😈
i gotta go we just pulled up to the school, i'll text you later, bye zach!

zach 🔞
bye brinn!


omg i cant wait for the next chapter shits about to  go down y'all hehe
bye loves <3

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