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liked by brinnleyforbes, jessswan, and 973 others

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liked by brinnleyforbes, jessswan, and 973 others

claraforbes "tell them i took this picture" -zek

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imzachherron not the misspelled name- i hate u.
claraforbes awe i hate u tooooo

jessswan ur so cute ily
claraforbes i love u sm

username SO PRETTY 🤩

brinnleyforbes the cutest
claraforbes love uuu

brinnleyforbes and can u and zek hurry up with the food already omfg i'm starving
imzachherron now i'm driving mad slow cuz you called me zek

username zach + clara's friendship >>>>>

amarajames omg baby is all grown up 🤧
claraforbes omg my second sister ily 🤧

evelynbatts ew not ZEK no one likes him
claraforbes i know right #zekisoverparty
imzachherron i can't stand you both

username i love ur fit

weston wow 🤩
claraforbes 🥰

username did you ever end up doing zach's nails?
claraforbes yes! zach show the people 😡


imzachherron posted on their story!

imzachherron posted on their story!

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Third Person

"um sir you didn't tag me in the picture of your nails" clara complained. "that took me three hours"

"well i would've tagged you if you didn't take three hours to do them" zach pointed out.

"it wouldn't have taken me three hours if you would sit still. you kept getting up every five minutes so that you could check on brinn" clara reminded him.

zach and clara were driving around town so clara can help zach with another plan but this time to ask brinnley out even though brinnley thinks zach and clara are getting food for the three of them to eat.

"shut up, i just wanted to talk to her" zach replied.

"yeah because you love her" clara said as zach whipped his head around before turning back to the road furrowing his eyebrows. "don't look at me like that zach i know you love her"

zach huffed, "i don't love her, i mean i like her obviously but i wouldn't say love"

"i would but whatever" clara shrugged causing zach to roll his eyes.

"okay now how should i ask her out?" zach asked.

"well i think you should take her out to dinner" clara suggested. "you guys haven't done that yet"

"yeah good point, i guess we could do that" zach agreed. "so where should i take her? does she have any favorite places?"

"um there's this one place in town that she loves and has loved since we were kids"

"it's not saddle ranch is it?"

"no! no she hasn't gone there in YEARS"

"why not?"

"she ordered seafood and it made her sick so she just stopped going, and now tiktokers basically live there so she hasn't gone" clara explained.

"well that's good, i'd rather avoid getting papped" zach told her causing her to nod. "should i get her anything?"

clara shook her head, "dude you got her a car already, she has three of your sweatshirts, you are taking her to dinner, you got her that producing gig with you and the boys, and you have taken her out thirty times in the past month, she's gotten enough from you"

"yeah but i think-"

"i'm telling you dude she won't take it even if you do, she already talks about repaying you for the car"

"wait she was serious about that?" zach asked looking at clara for a minute to see her nod. "wow i'm not gonna accept that"

"yeah well she's gonna try and make you" clara stated making him laugh.

"oh wait! i wanted to ask you something" zach said.

"okay but make it quick brinn is still at home waiting for food and we've been driving around for an hour and never even got food" clara laughed along with zach.

"don't worry we're going to pick it up now" zach informed her. "but who's weston?"

clara's eyes widened and face went red. "who?"

"clara i'm serious don't lie, he was in your comments and you responded, i'm just curious as to who he is" zach replied.

clara sighed, "no one just a kid from school"

"that you have a crush on" zach said.

"what? nooo, what? never" clara stumbled.

"you are such a bad liar" zach laughed.

"okay fine i like him so what?" clara shrugged. "it's not like he likes me back"

"are you dumb? i know when a guy likes a girl, and he likes you clara" zach told her pulling up to the pizza place. "i'm going to get the food real quick you figure out what you want to do with that information"

"shut up i hate you"

"you love me actually, you're just mad i'm right" zach said sticking his tongue out, getting out of the car and running in to get their pizza while clara rolled her eyes.


name a better duo than clara + zach.. i'll wait.
bye loves <3

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