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Third Person

"sup loser" zach said to clara who opened the door for him as he walked into the forbes house.

clara rolled her eyes, "you are so annoying stop coming over"

"no i don't think i will" zach smiled innocently as clara smiled sarcastically in response. "so where's brinn?"

zach has been going to the forbes house almost every day for about a month now. he hangs out with brinnley more and he's gotten pretty close with her family, they love him.

"her room where she always is unless she's getting food from the kitchen" clara pointed out.

zach nodded squatting down since their dog, fluffy, came over to jump him. "hey fluffy, i seriously hate that name oh my god"

"i'm aware but i don't know what you want me to do about it fool" clara told him.

"clara be nice" liz told her daughter walking out of the kitchen.

"hi mrs. forbes!" zach stood up and waved.

"hi zach how are you?" liz said giving the boy a hug. "and remember you can call me liz"

"oh yeah sorry i forgot" zach chuckled as they released from the hug. "and i'm good how are you?"

"i'm doing well, but i won't keep you here i know brinn's waiting for you" liz said. "but i have to take clara to her soccer practice so i'll be out late along with brinn's dad but no funny business zachary"

zach shook his head, "never i promise"

liz smiled as she grabbed her keys and headed to the front door. "there is food for you and brinn to eat later in the kitchen if y'all get hungry, clara hurry"

"i'm coming!" clara yelled as she grabbed her bag and shoes.

"thanks liz, bye c have fun" zach waved goodbye as the two walked out and he ran upstairs to brinnley's room knocking on her door and walked in when she told him to.

brinnley looked up from her laptop and saw zach walk in sitting down next to her on her bed. "hi z"

"hey b" zach said kissing the top of her head wrapping his arms around her waist resting his head on her shoulder while he watched her type on her computer. "what are you typing?"

"i have an essay for class due monday so i'm trying to finish it now" brinnley told him.

"ew homework, imagine actually being a high schooler" zach teased.

"ew imagine dropping out of high school and never getting an actual education" brinnley retorted.

zach pretended to be offended. "that was so uncalled for"

brinnley shrugged, "i don't care, now shut up i'm doing my homework"

"you and your cute little focus face" zach mentioned.

"zach shut up i hate that" brinnley said rolling her eyes trying not to smile but failing.

"i see that smile on your face brinn" zach smirked.

"shut up"

"fine i'll shut up" zach surrendered. he kept his head laid on her shoulder as he watched her try and finish her homework. he gave her a few small kisses on her cheek and then tried to move to her lips but she dodged him.

zach furrowed his eyebrows, he tried again but she moved once more. "why won't you let me kiss you?" he asked pouting.

"well that's more of a relationship thing and we aren't dating so no more kissing me" brinnley shrugged.

"oh you want me to ask you to be my girlfriend huh? i thought you weren't ready for that?" zach asked confused.

"well maybe i'm ready now"

"well i'm not asking you out now it's gonna seem forced, i want it to be special"

brinnley smiled, "okay bet"

"now can i kiss you?" zach asked.

"i'm doing homework z" brinnley sighed.

"okay just one kiss please then you can go back to being a student" zach pleaded.

"fine but just one" brinnley told him as she turned to him and kissed him. before zach could deepen it she pulled away and turned back to her laptop.

zach groaned causing brinnley to laugh a bit. "you are no fun whatsoever"

"too bad so sad" brinnley replied innocently smiling.

zach rolled his eyes, "just finish your homework please i'm bored"

"okay zachary shut up so i can finish"

"fine!" zach said as he started to plan in his head how he would ask the girl to be his girlfriend.


bye loves <3

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