preference #32

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how he tells you he loves you (without saying i love you)

ranboo, tommy, and tubbo are PLATONIC!!!!! you can say i love you to your friends, i do all the time. y'all are my friends and i love each and every one of you!!!!!! mwah!!!!!

— he does say i love you a lot, but he shows affection so often it's insane, even just with little things he says.
— he wants to leave little traces of himself with you, so you never forget about him.
— "can i draw something on your hand?"

— while he does say i love you, he doesn't say it often, and so he makes up for that by doing little things
— like every night he stays up with you until he's about to pass out because he knows that you want him to
— "i'm sleepy but i wanna hear your story first."

— he's the most affectionate out of the dream team, so he shows his ways of loving you always even if they're direct or indirect.
— one of his ways is tagging you in funny things he sees on different social media's just to make you laugh
— "y/n check ur phone !!!"

— he says i love you a moderate amount, but not too much.
— he is always doing things for you though, and one of his things is always making sure he says goodnight to you, no matter what.
— "goodnight muffin."

— he doesn't exactly say i love you a lot, he says things close to it, but not directly
— he always makes sure you know how great you are to him, and how lost he would be without you
— "what would i do without you?"

tommy- (platonic)
— y'all rarely say i love you to each other, just when you're going through hard times.
— one way you know he loves you tho is when he calls you everyday to make sure ur okay, and if you're feeling bad, he'll make you talk to him anyways so he gets closure that you're alive and talking to him.
— "you're getting up and calling me today, i don't care"

tubbo- (platonic)
— y'all only say it when hanging up the phone, and that's pretty much all
— he does show it though by always remembering to invite you to things, or going out of his way to invite you to something
— "no please it's gonna be so fun!! lets go to the creek or something, i'll be there!!"

ranboo- (platonic)
— you guys sometimes say i love you, mostly when going to bed but it's usually just "ily"
— he shows he cares about you by sending you things that reminded him of you.
— "y/n !! this song is our friendship listen to it!!! no idc if you're doing work, take the earbud!!!!!!"

— she says i love you a lot too !! but she loves making u feel special
— she draws little things for you, like your favorite flower and your favorite thing or just you !!
— "y/n look!!! i made you somethinnnnn!"

— he says i love you when you guys go to bed and when you need it
— otherwise, he shows most his love by being affectionate. nicknames, hugs, head pats, cuddles, words of affection, compliments you name it.
— "you're so perfect for me, flower."

— he doesn't say it all the time, but he does say it pretty often !!
— he adores cooking for you though, even if he isn't perfect it's the thought that counts.
— "look!!! y/n, pizza!!!! and i made it!!!!!"

— he says i love you pretty often !!
— when he says it non verbally though, it's by rubbing your back or your arms, or running his hand through your hair so you know that he's there with you.
— "good morning, bubs." *insert running hand through your hair softly*

— he says i love you when it's necessary or in an intimate moment, but that honestly just makes it all more special!!
— he loves letting you talk on and on about whatever you like, the lore behind something, a color, a cartoon, the stars, the moon, anything you want.
— "and what happened then, princess?"

— when minx says i love you it's usually to reassure you about something, or make sure you know how perfect you are.
— she also says i love you by having these really soft moments with you, where all she can think about is how lucky she is to have you.
— "you're really special, you know?"

— he says i love you after every goodbye or every greeting literally anytime he can
— he also says i love you by checking up on you though, asking if you've ate, how you slept, you get the picture. (seriously, get sleep and eat some food. even if it's only a little food or just an hour of sleep, you deserve it and you are worth so much to me and so many people around you, get your sleep!!!!!)
— "have you had food yet? no!!!? lets go then, lovely!!!"

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