preference #43

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when they see you still sleep with a teddy / a specific blanket

[ writing a comfort one cause i need it rn, angst will come soon if y'all want it!! ]

requested by: a friend in the discord!! which you should join btw!!!


— he finds it sweet!! you sleep with the one that you have had since birth, and it has never outgrown you and you've never outgrown it.
— you've kept very good care of it, even if it isn't in as good shape as it was. the stuffing is messed up, and it is missing an eye.
— so for your birthday, he got your stuffed animal restuffed and a new eye sewn in.
— it was one of the best gifts you could've asked for.

— he may poke fun at you a little, but not too much. he actually finds it nice that you like stuffed animals because he does have a few of his own!
— he'll give you one of his so you can sleep with that one as well, and you do!! it warms his heart to see you with the stuffed animal he gave you, cuddling it close.

— sapnap loves teasing you so so much, and so he does, but loveeeeeeingly. (so he swears)
— he'll tease you about whatever you named the stuffed animal and stuff, holding it in a place where you can't reach and watching you try to get it.
— of course he gives it back, as soon as he sees you get tired or bored of it, and he won't ever hide it or something like that. he doesn't want to make you panic or anything

— he thinks it's so cute n it makes him so so soft. he will ask you about the blanket and how long you've had it, etc.
— he's noticed that it's a little dirty, and he wants to do something nice for you!! so he decided to wash it, careful to find a detergent that wouldn't damage it at all.
— he brought it to you after you were out for the day, and y'all cuddled together on the couch with it:]

— he is already so soft for you but this makes him so <33::23&:!:&:& !!!
— he loves that you have a blanket that you've kept for so long, it shows him how much you care for things.
— he will occasionally put it in the dryer to warm it up for you before y'all watch a movie or show together !! warm n soft blanket cuddles r the only ones.

!! minors platonic !!

— he doesn't really think about it too much i guess? like it's more of "okay cool i will make sure not to mess with it." because he knows that it means a lot to you. so he doesn't.
— he will occasionally joke about it, but he makes sure that no one goes too far with it because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfy about it.

— he does too!! he has an array of stuffed animals that he sleeps with or just has in his room!! y'all name each other's stuffed animals and occasionally buy each other small ones !!
— when he travels places he tried his best to try and buy u a small one so you have a little something from wherever he went!!

— he likes stuffed animals!! he doesn't have too many but he does have some that mean things to him. he has one from his childhood and some that his friends gave him.
— he found out when you slept over at his house and brought the stuffed animal with u in ur bag. he asks what the animals name is, all that shit.
— hes very interested in it actually!!

— ur stuffed animals are married actually. they had an entire wedding and it was extremely beautiful. when he figured out that you had one he insisted that they get married immediately.
— he actually loves getting you stuffed animals, and his heart warms so much when he sees you sleeping with the ones that he got you.
— hes so so soft for you bro it's insane.

— she also has a blanket that she sleeps with every night!! she actually bought the blanket that you're now attached to, but you found it in her house and decided to never let go of it.
— sometimes you'll leave it at her house snd she loves it because it smells like your body wash!!
— y'all cuddle up with it when watching movies :]

— y'all have been childhood friends since forever, he legit gave you the blanket you sleep with every night, so it doesn't faze him at all. it's very normal for him, and always makes sure you have it on trips and everything!!
— he'll wash it for you if u need him to, he has a matching blanket as well!! he isn't as attached to it, but he still likes to sleep with it from time to time.

— y'all literally have couples plushies and you cannot tell me otherwise. you have these black and pink plague doctor plushies!! they're very very cute !!
— he has the pink one and you have the black one!! (if u want the other one then use ur imagination and switch it.) they sit next to each other on the bed when you're out and you take each other's when going on trips so that you have a piece of each other!!

— he doesn't really bother about it. of course he notices and he loves that you have something that can calm you and help you sleep when he can't be there, but he doesn't ask about it much because he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfy or embarrass you.
— he does smile at you when he sees you walk into the bedroom with your stuffed animal in your arms and sitting on your shared bed, snuggling close with him and the stuffie.

— she will definitely tease you for it a little bit, but will never make fun of you in front of people or be too mean. she actually finds it quite cute, and will make sure nothing happens to that stuffed animal.
— she also sprays some of her most used perfume on it a little bit, just so it would smell like her!!! you love her perfume :]

— there's an entire story behind this stuffed animal. y'all were at an arcade and you were never really interested in getting a stuffed animal because you knew that they were all rigged.
— but as soon as you laid eyes on a huge puppy stuffed animal, your vision was clouded and you were SET on getting this stuffed animal from the crane. sam was absolutely for it, and wanted to get you the stuffed animal more than anything.
— after a lot of money wasted and your heart almost getting crushed, sam finally won it for you. you jumped around and kissed him, you were extremely excited. you've slept with that stuffed animal almost everyday, it being in ur arms or close to you.

— he found it very very cute. at the time you were in a long distance relationship with him, and you got a shark stuffed animal because you said that it reminded you of him, which melted his heart. he was extremely happy that you had something that resembled him.
— you slept with it every night and protected it with your life. once you fell asleep on call with him, the shark tucked in your arms and your head resting on the top of it. he took so so so many screenshots of you and your shark.

— he got you the blanket that you sleep with!! you were having trouble sleeping, and he heard lavender was a sleep aid! he got you a weighted blanket with lavender in it, and pressed a patch of the hardcore hearts on the right bottom corner. it was a pale purple color, with small ridges in a checkered pattern where it has been stitched.
— he mailed it to you, and you slept with it the night that you got it. it did end up helping a little bit!! it stays on your bed at all time, folded at the foot of the bed until you go to sleep or lay down, and phil's proud that he could help you in some way.

a/n :: hihi everyone !! i just wanted to say that my dog is doing better !! he has a disc that is rubbing against his spine but we are currently nursing him back to health. i also wanted to note on some things happening in the community.

i'm not gonna say any specifics because there's so much going on, but please hold your creators accountable. listen to people affected by what your favs say and don't speak for them or over them. boost people's voices and tell people what they have done wrong. the whole reason this fandom is kinda going downhill is because of people who jump to defend their favs without understanding the damage that they could've caused or just understanding the situation in general. don't accept apologies that don't apply to you and don't treat these grown people like they are children, PLEASE.

thnx everyone :]
— your friend, vienna

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