wilbur x reader - book store

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this is my first imagine on here !! this isn't a request, i am writing it on my own time haha :)

[EDITED sept. 20. 22]

- all fluff !!

     the bookstore was quiet and warm, barely anybody resided inside on the chilly november morning. you stepped inside, your feet gently tapping against the tile floor. you wiped them off at the mat that sat at the front, closing your umbrella. drops of water flung onto the ground, as you wrapped up the umbrella and hung it on a rack. you clutched your purse close to your hip, walking briskly further into the store.
   the smell of new and old books filled the air, mixed with the strong aroma of coffee beans, coming from the cafe to the right of you. the atmosphere was inviting, beckoning you close and pulling you in. you could only hear the soft footsteps of others, the quiet talking amongst people and their friends, and the quiet, melodic chime of the bell that rang when people walked in. you made your way toward the poetry section, memorizing this place by heart now. you come here every thursday after your morning class to read. you see many familiar faces, knowing the regulars as well as the staff very well.
     you look at the large array of poetry that is stacked in a neat row in front of you, in order by last name. a to z, the simpliest way to organize things. a yellow book caught your eye, your favorite color. you picked it up, 'the sun and her flowers' it read.
     you place the book under your arm and trudge your way to your favorite reading spot. it was in the corner of the shop, two chairs sat across from each other with a small coffee table in the middle, covered in magazines. as you make your way over, you notice someone already sitting there, across from your spot.
     you sit in the chair across from the man, him looking up from his glasses to give you a curtious smile. you smile back, your eyes curling up with your mouth. the man had brown curly hair, the ringlets fell over each other in a messy pattern. his eyes were brown, hiding behind his round glasses and focused on the book in front of him. 'yesterday i was the moon', the cover read, the blue book contrasting his pale skin. you read that book recently, and had enjoyed it. even when he was sitting, you could tell he was tall and lanky. he wore a brown sweater with a white collared shirt under it, blue jeans and black shoes. a couple silver rings littered his fingers as well as a simple silver necklace. you always appriciated a man who wore jewelry. you forced yourself out of your thoughts, realized you'd been staring a but too long.
you turned your gaze toward your book, opening it carefully, not wanting to crack the spine of it. the book made a crinkling sound when you opened it. it was a sound you loved, and never got tired of hearing. the pages felt crisp underneath the pads of your fingers. you held the first page in between your thumb and index finger, fighting the urge to bend it back and fourth as you read it.
     turning the next page, you accidentally slid your finger across the edge of the thin paper, giving yourself a small paper cut. "oh shit!" you said out of surprise, immediately putting your thumb in your mouth. it wasn't profusely bleeding, just rising up to the top. your small outburst caught the attention of the male in front of you.
     he cleared his throat, laughing softly. "are you okay?" he asked, and you looked up at him.
     your face flushed a slight red, taking your thumb out of your mouth and wiping it on your pants. "yeah," you laughed nervously, "just a small paper cut." you finish, smiling at him. his smile was very contagious.
     "do u need a bandaid for that?" he asked, in a joking manor.
     "oh, uhm, sure!" you didn't seem to pick up on that tease in his voice, as he laughed a bit in surprise. he reached into his small bag, pulling out a yellow bandaid.
     "here." he said, handing you the bandaid. your take it and mutter a slight 'thank you', wrapping it around your finger. "i'm wilbur, it's nice to meet you."
     "i'm (your name), it's nice to meet you too wilbur!" you say, closing your book, making a mental note of the page you left on.
     "well, (your name), since i did kind of save your life there with that bandaid," he stifled a laugh at his own joke, "i believe that you must come and get coffee with me."
     you laugh, "oh of course. it would only be right." you put your book in your bag, him doing the same. you got up, fixing your purse and your clothes taking a quick glance in your phone camera at your hair and face, pulling your hair foreward and fluffing it up. you waited for him to start walking as you walked aside him to the small coffee shop at the front of the store.
     looking at the yellow bandaid on your finger, you looked at him. he was already looking at you with a kind smile on his face, and you smiled back up at him, pink dusting across your cheeks. you look back down, continuing with wilbur to the coffee shop.

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