preference #44

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how he deals with habits of yours.

— habit : picking at your lips

— he knows your lips get chapped easily, especially during winter. and he also knows that when your anxiety gets bad or your focusing too hard, you'll pick at your lips.
— they begin to bleed or just get really raw, and he's worried about infections. so he buys you one of the poke rocks!! you pick at the latex out of the holes of the rocks and you can refill it as well when it's all gone!!
— he also makes sure to buy you lip care products, and brings extra chapstick wherever he goes for you!! and him, but mostly you.

habit : dancing while you eat

— he thinks it's quite cute, and he doesn't really "deal" with it, he just watches and smiles softly. when you really like something that you're tasting, you will dance a little in your seat cause you're happy! and he thinks it's so so adorable.
— he finds most everything you do extremely endearing, and if anyone comments on it negatively he will back hand them. well, maybe not back hand but he will definitely think about it. he'll tell them off harshly but quickly.
— he always makes sure that you know it isn't weird to do or 'wrong.' it may be a little out of the ordinary, but he thinks it's one of the many things that makes him fall for you more and more.

habit : cracking your knuckles

— you scare this man with how much you crack your knuckles. every time you do it, it's loud and freaks him out a bit. he wonders how your fingers aren't fucking broken by now.
— he heard a rumor once that if you crack them too much, that your knuckles will get bigger. whether or not it's true, he tells you to stop it every time you do it. he will whine and complain if you don't.
— sapnap does make sure you know that even if u did end up with fat fucking knuckles, he would still love you the same.

habit : swearing

— bad adores you, but he does not adore the decorative words that you use in your sentences. you do really try to keep swearing to a minimum around him, and he appreciates your efforts, but you still swear a little more than the average person around bad.
— you don't mean to, it just kinda comes out. it's driven into your vocabulary and it's a little hard to change it around just one person. bad knows this, and he will kindly remind you to not swear around him when you do.
— he's actually helped you get a lot better, and you don't swear as much in general because of his cute but nagging voice in the back of ur mind, screaming "language!" every time you happen to let the usually angry words fly out.

habit : procrastinating

— wilbur loves doing things, so very much. he's always being productive, whether it's with friends, working on new ideas, streaming, music, he just feels incomplete laying in bed all day. you however, are the royalty of procrastination. you always put things off until the hour later, until it all piles up into one night of doing absolutely everything. it stresses you out, badly.
— wilbur loves helping you!! he will make sure you do something and reward you w small things whenever you do!! it may be flowers, chocolate, a small stuffed animal, anything to keep you motivated. he will help you clean if you need to clean, and help you with school.
— he just at least wants you to do something with your day instead of lay in bed. but if you need to lay in bed for the day, he will be right beside you through all of it.

!! minors platonic !!

habit : spending too much time online

— yes his job IS online, but he knows when to pull away from it. you find yourself drowning in twitter comments and tweets, refreshing and reloading, checking your indirects, editing your instagram posts, checking your youtube reach, it gets a little obsessive. he knows how demeaning it can be seeing a sea of people either belittle or worship you. being loved is wonderful but when people watch your every move, screenshot and record every word coming from your mouth, it gets tiring.
— he makes sure to pull you away from it. telling you to log off for the day and go out to the park or out into the town with him. and if you don't live close, he'll ask you to play a game with him, ensuring that you can't check social media or be too active that day.
— he wants you to be somewhat stable at the least, he knows how hard people can be on twitter, and he cares for you. it's good to pull away from social media every once in awhile.

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