wilbur x reader - film director

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     film director.
     she / they prns (more feminine descriptions)
     a/n: this is based off a story wilbur told on stream once!

     req : @theinsaneagedupbish ty for requesting <3

     the grass brushed at your ankles, tickling them softly and probably leaving an itchy feeling behind later. the wind weaved its way through your hair, blowing it in front of your face. you fix it every 2 seconds, pulling it out of your freshly applied lip gloss. wilbur was behind you, walking with his camera, aside his friend, paul, carrying the boomstick and some other film equipment in his backpack. the trees rustled with the breeze, the leaves swaying side to side.
     you made you way down to the river bank, the sound of the flowing water meshing with the sound of the wind, creating a beautiful melody of nature. you stopped at the edge of the river, lifting up the skirt on your dress. you crouch down on putting your hand in the water to feel the cool tempurature. the cold nips at your fingers and numbs them slightly, the feeling shocking you a bit. you take your hand out and flick the water away, wiping it on your jacket.
     you turn around to wilbur, his camera already out, taking candid pictures of you by the river. you looked beautiful, really. your (hair color) hair swayed in the wind and your (skin color) skin shown in the light of the sun. the skirt of your dress resting on your knees while you took in the scenery, as to not dirty it with the slightly damp grass.
    he blushes, putting the camera down and smiling at you, a dumbstruck smile. "you look really pretty." he says, shocked at himself that he said it, stumbling slightly over his words.
    your face suddenly feels hot, as you smile uncontrollably at his words. "thank you." you say, avoiding eye contact by staring slightly past him. he looked pretty too. his sweater covered the white button up he wore under, the coller and sleeves peeking out slightly. a light brown jacket covered his sleeves and rested just below his waist. his brown hair brushed to the side, his forehead peeking out. he had his camera around his neck, resting in his left hand. his right hand fiddled with the belt loop on his blue jeans. he dressed nice for this occasion, desperatly wanting to make a good impression on you.
     paul interrupted the awkward silence, "so! shall we get started?" he says, setting the grey backpack on the ground and getting out some film equipment. a couple lenses, a tripod, some back up microphones, and camera batteries.
     wilbur shook himself out of his daze, "yes! lets get started." he said, looking into his camera lens and focusing it on you.
     wilbur asked you earlier this week if you'd be in his short film, and you immediately agreed. if your honest, you'd had a crush on him since grade seven, and you've been looking for a reason to hang out with him for a while now, and this was an oppertunity too good to pass up. his entire focus, on you, for however long it took?? this was perfect.
paul handed you the script, and you looked over it. you'd practiced it for 3 days straight it felt, you were very worried that you would forget a line and embarras yourself in front of him. you remember mostly everything, but theres a very small part in the middle that just cannot make your way into your brain. you scan over that part a billion times, mouthing the words.
     wilbur noticed you looking a bit stressed, and walked over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. you look up at him, and his face is warm and kind. "dont worry (your name), you're gonna do great." he says, patting your shoulder and looking into your eyes, his face slightly flushed red. you would've been able to tell he was nervous if you weren't on the verge of pissing yourself by how nervous you were.
     you nod, "yes! i can do this." you say, half believing it and half not. wilbur steps back from you and takes your hand, leading you to an area by the riverside with trees and a large rock. the crisp air made you shiver, pulling your cardigan closer to your body and closing it over your torso. wilbur noticed this, and quickly took of his jacket to give to you.
     "oh no! you'll get cold." you insist, pushing his hands away. he wrapped the jacket around you instead, resting it on your shoulders and pulling it closely around you.
     "you're cold! your hands are freezing too." wilbur says, worridly. he covers your hands with his, rubbing them softly and blowing hot air on them.
     your heart melted by how much he cared for you, and the way he was so worried about you made you weak. and now, you were wearing his jacket, which smelled like colonge. it was good colonge too, not axe, godbless.
     paul coughed awkwardly, making you both turn your heads toward him. he was standing there, the video camera in his hand, pointing it toward you both. it was on, and had been recording for at least ten minutes. "i caught that." he said, keeping the camera pointed at you both.
     you laughed, half embarrased half glad he caught such a sweet moment. you looked at wilbur, who was already looking at you. his hands  found their way to your face, cupping it softly and leaning in. he placed a kiss on your lips, short and sweet. he pulled away, opening his eyes and looking at you.
     "wow, i, um," you felt like he had stolen the words straight out of your mouth. you were speechless, until you just started smiling uncontrollably. wilbur just kissed you! you leaned in and kissed him too on the lips, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him. "i like you a lot wilbur." 
     you heard him laugh, and his wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you tightly. "i like you too, (your name)." you rested your head on his shoulder, not wanting to let go.
     you couldnt see, but will gave a thumbs up to paul, paul giving it back and turning off the video camera, resting it on his neck.
   the rest of the day was spent hanging out in the field, making stupid video and doing dumb things. taking pictures and videos of each other messing around. when wilbur got home, he sat on his computer and began editing the pictures and videos, watching the video of you over and over again.

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