preference #34

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meeting the parents :o

tubbo tommy and ranboo r included but it is PLATONIC !!!!!!!!!

requested by BITTEN0REO

— is confident on the outside but very very nervous on the inside
— plans days in advance what he's gonna wear, and ends up dressing very nice
— he had nothing to worry about, he loved your parents and they loved him !! he immediately felt at home and it didn't take him long to get out of his shell and start talking.

— nervous mess and he isn't afraid to show it.
— asks you a million times what he should wear or say or how he should act, asks you many many times if he should mention or not mention anything.
— he's extremely timid at first, but he warms up a little bit near the end, and even accepts a hug from your dad at the end. your parents loved him very much, they did ask why he was so quiet but you just told them that he was just scared.

— he's not nervous really, he just doesn't want to end up saying something wrong, but he is confident that they'll like i him.
— makes sure to remember to compliment your mother and shake hands with you dad, and ya know, eye contact.
— he fit right in !! your siblings and your parents loved him so much!! they non stop asked him questions and now always pesters you about him visiting again.

— oh he is freaaaaked out
— y'all decided to have dinner at your guys' house, so he goes on a cleaning frenzy and makes sure that whatever he's cooking is perfect. he has to make a good impression
— thank god that rat was on her BEST behavior and the food was amazing, your parents were extremely impressed at how pretty the house looked and at how amazing the food tasted. he was extremely proud.

— he gets a little anxiety over it, as he's mentioned before he has been diagnosed with pretty bad anxiety, so he just gets very worried about it.
— you reassure him that it's gonna be okay right before y'all leave to go meet them, fix his hair and tie, kiss him on the cheek, and tell him that they'll love him.
— AND THEY DO!!!! he talks all about his music and even sings for them. they love it all very much and is very proud of you for finding such a nice person.

— he didn't think about it when he went over to your house because obviously y'all were just hanging out, but as soon as he got in the car to head over he got super nervous.
— he was ur best friend and he wanted your parents to like him. he texted you asking if he should knock, what he should call them, how he should act, what he should say or not say, if y'all could curse.
— in the end, all was fine and your parents really loved his company! he stayed for dinner and they appreciated his humor and were just glad you had a friend as close as him.

— he wasn't really worried, he didn't really think about it honestly until he actually met them. he thought of the interaction more after though, and asked you many questions.
— asked if you thought that they liked him, asked if he came off annoying or mean or loud or something. he wanted to know your opinion.
— you assured him that they liked him and they did of course! he came over a lot more after that, and kinda became their second son.

— he had literally been avoiding meeting your family for very very long. you always came over to his house until you insisted he come over and meet them. he gave in and he did.
— he was worried that he might ramble too long about whatever, worried that he may be too loud or too quiet. he tried his best to balance it so that he just seemed normal.
— at first they thought he was kinda boring because he was masking his true personality, until he got more comfortable and started talking more around them, him and your dad got along the best.

— she does get pretty nervous because she doesn't know what to wear or what to do or how to act.
— you assure her to just be herself and that it'll be fine. she gets nervous still so you comfort her all the way to your parents house and tell her that you've already told them so much about her and that they love her very much already.
— shes definitely quiet for the first visit and only talks whenever your parents address her, but after some time she gets way more comfy and becomes extremely close with your mother.

— he isn't super duper nervous, but he is keen on making a good impression. though he honestly doesn't really think about being his best until the day actually comes.
— he dresses nice and makes sure to be as polite as possible, he wants to be the best that he can be.
— your parents are happy to meet him and immediately warm up to him and his personality. they admire his hard work to get where he is right and now they love talking to him!!

— y'all actually accidentally meet your parents while out by accident and they immediately ask to just tag along for a little, which y'all say of course !!
— he's a bit worried because he wasn't at all prepared for this, but he does try his best to be polite and assured your parents that he'll take care of you.
— they're kinda hesitant because he is relatively quiet but once he reassured them that he is taking good care of you and always will, they honestly just fell in love with him and want him to come over for dinner soon!!

— y'all are attending a wedding for a family member of yours and that's where he ends up meeting everyone. and of course he looks nice because ya know it's a wedding.
— hes a bit nervous but just tries to be himself. he talks about his work and asks many questions to keep your parents interested in the conversation with him, to show he wants to talk to them.
— they love him, especially your mother. she loves how he can talk on and on about something and knows that he makes you extremely happy.

— she's very excited to meet everyone!! you already met her family and got along very fast, so she's super excited to be able to meet yours.
— of course she isn't using her internet personality, but she doesn't drop the cussing. she's very polite and compliments your mother and father and your home.
— your parents love her, and find her content extremely funny!! y'all joke and talk alllll night.

— good god he is also a boy youd take to meet your family. y'all met on the first date he took you on because you guys met in highschool.
— your dad questions him and he answers in the best ways possible. "i'll have her home anytime you want!" "i'll take care of her sir."
— your parents adore him and nag you to bring him back home, they even invite him in after the date so they can get to know him more. once y'all end up getting together officially, you're parents are extremely happy.

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