preference #40

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when they do your hair [mostly braiding!!]

2 new people added !!!

— he would love to do your hair ! he may not be good at it, but you teach him how to braid and he does it pretty well.
— he mixes things up a little bit but it doesn't look completely awful! definitely not something you'd wear out, but he's satisfied for now.

— poor boy does not know what he's doing. you tried to teach him how to do space buns and he ended up getting the hair tie pretty badly stuck in your hair
— he ripped it out and decided to just stick to playing with your hair

— surprisingly good! he can be a little rough at times and may pull too hard but it doesn't hurt thaaattt bad, plus if you tell him to stop he will
— he braids pretty well, and really wants to learn how to french braid and stuff like that.

— hes okay at it! he isn't good but he isn't completely awful. he likes to brush your hair before bed every night, it's very calming.
— he makes sure to not pull too hard and asks if he's hurting you almost every second

— hes alright !! you have to tell him a million times how to braid and demonstrate, but once he gets the hang of it, he isn't bad at all!
— he likes to braid your hair and then unbraid it a million times.

— hes pretty shit. he will most definitely tangle the hell out of your hair, try to brush it out and then end up hurting your scalp.
— he did try, so we can give him that.

— ehhhh?? his sisters have tried to teach him once or twice so he knows basics of braiding and ponytails and stuff, but he isn't the best.
— he'll do your hair in funny ways and put clips and stuff in it tho!

— he's not awful!!! not great, but not bad at all.
— he really wanted to learn how to french braid, so he practiced on you for like an hour or something. but his hands ended up tired, so you decided to braid his hair !!!

— he just lives for carding his fingers through your hair, so he does. he will try braiding, and it isn't bad but it definitely isn't perfect, or close to it. he would love to learn more, but he genuinely just likes scratching and playing with your hair.
— he also loves to brush your hair! it's satisfying to brush it all when it's silky and soft. he's careful to not hurt you.

— she knows what shes doing! y'all will have little self care days together when you do each others hair and makeup and do face masks and everything!
— she'll do anything you want, braids, curls, straightening, even dying!!!

— oh it is a mess, he doesn't know what he is doing at all, but he's so so excited to try.
— he may pull too hard at hurt you on accident, but he always apologizes a lot after and makes sure to kiss it better!!

— he really likes doing your hair, but he loves it more when you do his hair
— he'll do it for like five mins, get bored and then sit in front of you and beg for you to play with his and braid and alllll that.

— he tries but gets extremely confused, you basically have to explain him how to braid a hundred times. he doesn't completely get it still
— he likes to brush your hair because it makes you happy, and he will learn how to braid it because you want him to, but it may take him a little.

— y'all dye your hair together all the time!! and she loves it so much.
— shes likes to choose your color and not tell you until after and vice versa! she loves the surprise of it and it's very fun to do on stream as well. she things you look amazing in all colors.

— he loves to learn new things, and isnt awful at braiding your hair, he isn't the best but it's cute how excited he gets when he finishes.
— he shows you in a mirror and asks you if you like it, the biggest smile on his face and then he just wants to do it again and again.

!! new people added !!

philza (platonic , more of a dad relationship :])
— he gets a little confused and is kinda apprehensive, but he will happily do it.
— wants very badly to learn well for u, but ends up just not grasping it well, but kristin will happily do it for you!!

— foolish is very excited to learn, like sam he gets excited when he grasps it and feeds off you telling him that he's doing well.
— will put bows and clips and all the things in your hair, he loves them so so much. he has so much fun using all of the accessories and even if you look like a mess, he's having fun and that's what matters.

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