what it would be like dating wilbur

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new kind of preference??? cool?
these kinds of preferences r gonna be set as if wilbur doesn't stream n stuff:] thanks


dating wilbur is like dating your childhood lover. y'all were friends for a while and immediately clicked with your close interests. y'all bounce off of each other very easily and are extremely attentive to each other's needs. if he needs quiet time or space, you know, and vice versa.

y'all's communication in the relationship is extremely well, which is expected because you knew each other for around a year or two before you got together.

he writes songs about you in his free time, and gives them to you when you come over or he comes over. he loves singing and playing them for you, and you love listening. when you're having a tough night sleeping, he'll sing you a song he wrote for you which usually works.

going on dates wise, you enjoy doing things like going to the library or a picnic. y'all don't like going to movies because it doesn't feel as interactive. he'll come to your door with flowers and y'all will usually walk to ur destination hand in hand.

he makes sure to make you feel like royalty every time he's with you, and never fails. his gentle gestures like taking your hand when crossing the street, kissing your knuckles, and pushing the hair out of your face would make anyone feel special.

wilbur loves teaching you about the things he's interested in. he could talk to you for hours about insects and nature, as well as writing music and playing it. he loves talking about his friends and what he's done today. all in all he just wants someone to listen and you do that very well for him.

he talks about you to his friends all the time. you know this because when it happens one of them, usually tommy or phil, will text u and say "oh he's talking about youuu!" or something like that. you made good friends with his friends extremely easily, which he really enjoyed because you and his friends mean the world to him.

wilbur pays attention to the small things. he has a note on his notes app that just has things that you've mentioned you like or wanted so he knows what to get you when you're having a difficult time or for birthdays or anniversaries. if you point out something you love, expect to see it in pretty packaging in your favorite color one day or another.

you take care of him very well when he falls ill. he usually wants to power through and do things himself, but you absolutely insist on helping him rest to full health. he doesn't want you to get sick as well but you insist you'll be fine and wear your mask if you think you're in danger of getting sick. you'll make him soup and sit next to his bed on a chair, talking to him and trying your best to cheer him up.

all in all, you and wilbur were meant for each other. the closeness of your relationship shows in how attentive you are to each other and you rarely get into fights. you both know what each other needs and that's what make you so good for each other. even if you and wilbur broke up, you know that you'd stay friends at least.

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