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Ashley's P.O.V:

Today is my free day from work, so tired. I love Peter and Emily, but those kiddos so much energy all the time and I can't keep up. I decide to do some groccery shopping cause I haven't had time recently to buy more food. I need fresh food for tonight's dinner with my friends and boyfriend, Dante. He is not happy that I work at Mendes' house, because he thinks that Mendes will use me and leave when it comes to s*x, but I don't want to f*ck with my boss.

"Dante, we have to get fresh products for tonight's dinner" I say as we head to the supermarket.

"Yeah, lemme get a trolley. I wish push it and you will put in it the products you want. But do not please take the most expensive products. We have to save the money because your boss doesn't pay you billions"

"It would be better if you worked too you know?"

"You know it is hard to find a job with my references. And you are the one who is working now so"

"I know but I have been working at his for two days"

"Two days working or two days f*cking him"

'Ha ha, very funny, Dante" I roll my eyes.

"You keep telling me that it is not true, but I know better" Dante says and I'm getting annoyed now.

"Ugh Dante! Please stop it!" I yell at him and everybody in the supermarket is looking at us.

"Oh come on! I am just joking. Don't be mad please" He begs me, slowly knowing that his words weren't that funny to me at all. I don't response, ignore him and keep walking around, searching ingredients which are on my shopping list.

And the rest of time in the supermarket, we are not talking to each other. I am mad at Dante for telling me things like those. And the end of shopping, I go to dairy section and I see Mr Mendes with a now known boy. My boss acts with this child like dad and son. Weird to be honest.

"Raul, could you bring me some milk?" Mr Mendes knees down to the boy who looks like a replica of him.

"Of course, daddy!" The kids runs to the shelf with milk on it.

DADDY?! I'm confused now. I do not understand what is going on here. But I need to discover who is this child and why does this child calls Mr Mendes 'daddy'?

I come to the shelf when the little boy is. He has problems with taking the milk he wants because he is so small.

"Here. Take it" I hand him the milk he wants.

"Thank you so much" He smiles. His smile is as bright as my boss' smile.

It must be his child.

"Raul, did you get the milk?" Mr Mendes asks and when he sees me, he has wide eyes and wide mouth. "Oh, hello Ashley"

"Raul, come here, we have to go" Mr Mendes quickly says, taking the little boy's hand and quickly changes the sections from dairy to bakery.

Woah. So fast!

Maybe it is really his son, but didn't want me to know it. Or anybody else who is close to him. But the real question is that does his wife know? Or this is their unwanted child?

It may be interesting...

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