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Ashley's P.O.V:

It has been two months since I broke up with Shawn. I have seen him multiple times when he was visiting Raul in the hospital, because I was visiting Raul too, but I didn't talk to Mendes. Of course he tried in the hospital or everywhere I was. He was also spamming me with messages, voice call and voice mails. I couldn't stand it and I blocked his number, but then I thought that if Raul will ever wake up, Shawn will be informed first, not me. So I unblocked his number.

And finally the day come. I get a call from Shawn. He says that Raul has woken up. I don't reply and hurry to see Raul. So my prayers were listened. Thank you God!

I rush to the hospital and to the room where Raul is. His Bambi eyes open and he smiles at me, when he sees me.

"Mommy" He says, coughing. "I missed you" 

"I know baby, I missed you too. How are you feeling?" I am holding his hand, sitting next to him and crying. My baby is alive.

"Papa said that I was sleeping for two months but I am still so tired. I didn't even know I can sleep that long"

"Well you will understand it when you will be older"

"Oh okay, but we are not together so when I will got out of here, we will be, all of us three" Raul smiles and my heart breaks. I have to tell him the truth.

"I am so sorry baby, but you won't see me at home"

"What do you mean momma?" He asks, getting sad.

"I know it will be hard for you but your father and I decided it would be better if him and I will have a break in our relationship"

"But why?"

"We had some problems when you fall asleep and we have to stop talking to each other for some time, because we don't want to hurt more each other"

"But does it mean you won't visit me too?"

"Of course not, I'm gonna meet you everytime you would like to"

"Thank you momma" Raul says and hugs me. He still has some energy as he had before.

"I'm sorry baby, but my friend is waiting for me as I am going to work and he drives me there" I look at Shawn, who is shocked when I say 'he'. Uhhhh, he's jealous now.

"Excuse me? You have a new boyfriend? Don't you forget that you have a fiance as known as me?"

"Shawn, not in front of Raul" I yell at Mendes, I don't wanna stress Raul.

"Because? He has to know you left us and went to hook up with another guy!"

"It's none of your business!" I yell.

I kiss Raul on a forehead. "I'm gonna visit you soon, okay?" I say and he nods.

And then I leave.

It's only my business if I have a new guy or not. And I do have one. Well, it's complicated. His name is Luke, yes Luke Hemmings, and he has been my friend for a long time and when I broke up with Shawn, he was for me like a shoulder to cry on, but it's hard to say that we are in a relationship.

I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive Shawn, maybe it will take some time, but I hope he will change his behaviours...

MAID FOR HIM | S.M. [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now