part forty five

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ꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴋ ᴍᴇ

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It was the sixth day of exams and my mind was fairly stable, I had just sat down and in front of me was my theory Potions exams. I had just finished my practical side and was quite ready to explain the properties of wolfsbane and Draught of Peace and many other potions I had already studied about.

I glanced at the front to see the time slowly ticking and Madame Pennet, sitting down, peering at her table.

Not a lot of time has passed as I still haven't answered the first question. I felt that my mind was somewhere else and didn't feel the need to give my paper another glance, but I knew all too well that I was not going to listen.

I finally brought my head down, looking at the first question, bringing my ink to my parchment and scribbling away the answers I knew to be right. I was mostly certain that Potions was my best class out of all the others, it gave me confidence in writing down my answer, silently praying that they were not wrong.

Time flew by as I was reaching my last question. It was a rather easy one that I finished in no time, having only a couple minutes to spare, I placed down my quill and laid my head on the table.

My head suddenly started pounding and I felt my ears ringing. A volt raced up my legs and through my body as I stiffened up and closed my eyes.

'Both panic and joy were felt at that very moment. I ran through the crowd to see the twins racing their brooms into the sky with fiery fireworks following slowly behind them. My mind ran wild with thoughts and I couldn't help but stare at the smiley faces that stayed on the ground. Though in all the excitement, the panic was greeted once again, as a chill breeze met my skin. My eyes wandered to a scene in front of me. Harry sitting on the floor with pure shock shown on his face. While a concerned Hermione made her way over to him. "Harry, Harry" was said over and over again while the crowd swallowed her cries. A faint, "are you okay," was heard but nothing more as it went silent. Still, everyone's mouths were moving and looking as if they were cheering but the sound was there was no sound. Black walls suddenly surrounded me and I was met at the same door I had been seeing for the past year. The silent black walls turned a little green with a path for one way. My eyes peered at the familiar yet unknown door. Without thinking I moved forward, without thinking I reached the door and without thinking my hand turned the gold knob and pushed through. Looking ahead I found a tall gate. My feet pulled me closer and I could see transparent curtains fluttering through the gate when I realised that there was no gate... but a Ghastly Vail.'

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