part fifty nine

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I could tell by looking outside that It was freezing cold, but nevertheless it was Hogsmeade day. Hermione, as usual, was already up and dressed and waiting for me to get ready. It looked to be snowing heavily outside so I decided to put on an extra puffer jacket adding to the already many layers I had on. I grabbed my beanie and was ready to leave as was Hermione, so we made our way out of our dorm and through the portrait door.

We decided not to eat breakfast; telling ourselves we'd get something to eat at the Three Broomsticks, which I was excited about as I hadn't been there for a while and I missed the taste of Butterbeer. The sweet cold drink that made me want to throw up if I drank too much.

We were to meet Harry and Ron outside, near the carriages which I found to be a dumb idea because I knew they were going to be late...mostly because of Ron and his knack for staying in bed.

Hermione and I had to wait outside, shivering and bunching up together as the snow fell around us. The snow was piling up quickly.

After a while of waiting, we spotted their two figures walking up to us from the castle. When they finally showed up we boarded, not much being said.

The carriage was quiet and not how it used to be. All we could hear was the gallops of the Threstals and the wheels creaking.

I had looked away from the window for a second to catch Hermione staring between Harry and Ron, her eyes looking as if she was thinking hard. I decided not to say anything knowing she was going to mention it sooner or later.

After a few minutes, we arrived, and left the carriage one after the other and ventured towards the village, hearing the snow breaking beneath our feet. Other students leaned in together to find some warmth in the bitter wind, trudging through the deep snow, much of what we were doing. That's when Hermione finally chose to speak as I grabbed Hermione and Ron at either side of me, begging them silently not to let me go.

"For weeks, Harry, you've been carrying around that book, practically sleeping with it..." A chuckle left my mouth as I imagined Harry cuddling with the so-called book. "And you have no desire to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is?" She pressed her lips together as she walked beside me.

Harry only groaned at her words, rubbing his brows together. "I didn't say I wasn't curious, and by the way, I don't sleep with it." He mumbled.

There was a sarcastic chortle at Ron's end as he pulled me forward. "Yeah, right." This earned a glare from Harry. "Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now you're always reading that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione."

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