part seventy eight

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ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛ

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It had been some time since Harry had left with Dumbledore and myself and the others had taken up shelter in my dorm, even Jacob had joined us. They were all worried about Harry and what they were doing. Horcrux hunting, something that made my skin crawl. 

"He'll be okay right." Jacob asked, the uncertainty laced in his voice. 

Ron let out a laugh that caught everyones attention. "He'll be fine. He's like a metal rod to lightening when it comes to dangerous situations but he always comes through." 

Hermione shook her head but the little smile that played on her lips betrayed her. "We all are, honestly." 

I had taken my seat on the floor, with papers splayed all around me. But a smile hitched on my lips as I looked back to Hermione, nodding my head.  

"Yeah, we get it, bad things are always happening to you." Emily pressed, her voice as aggressive as she was being lately. 

My smile fell as I faced her. my thoughts knotting with one another as I tried to explain to myself why she was being so moody and well rude. 

I decided to let it slide, but I guessed Hermione couldn't as her gaze felt like knives stabbing at Emily.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us, Emily?" Hermione said from behind me, speaking through her teeth which showed she wasn't in a very good mood. "You've been making a lot of snarky comments lately." 

"What are you talking about?" Emily pushed herself up to sit straight as she narrowed her eyes at us. "I have not been snarky."

"You have." Hermione simply stated. "I know you have questions but you ask them as if we are wrong for the way we are thinking. And it's not like we want to be faced with horrible situation all the time...its exhausting...just ask Eleanor...She and Harry are at the root of it." 

Emily's eye's went from mine to Hermione's in a flash. Going back and forth trying to think of something to say. "But why? That's what I want to know? Why them two? Why is Eleanor hating so much on Dumbledore? The only man who actually really cares about us." 

I couldn't help but laugh as she stared at me...dumbfounded. "You think he cares about you? You think he's doing this all for you? For us students...?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Then tell us. You should be telling us whatever you know-"


"No!" She screamed. "We are always in the dark...It's always just them four!" 

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