author's notes

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hi guys, so this is the first fanfiction I have written and I'm really excited for you to read it. It may not be as good as others, but I really did try my best with it.

All the Original Characters and Original Plots belong solely to J.K. Rowling. I only claim the characters I made up and the extra scenes and ideas I added to the story.

I ask that you don't steal anything from my story, because I really did try my best to write this, and I would be really sad to find that someone stole what I wrote. So please don't take anything from my fanfiction.

With the story, Harry and Eleanor's relationship will progress slowly but not too slow. And it begins from the Goblet of Fire and goes on from there. I tried to follow the books and most of the events that happen, but I'm also going off the movie so it's a mix of the two. 

On that note, I'm really happy that you chose to read this, and I plan on finishing this book and I won't stop till it's done! And really thank you again :)

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