part twenty three

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ᴘᴀʀᴛ xxɪɪɪ

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ᴅʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ᴄᴜᴛꜱ

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I move down a dark hallway again, slowly. Locked doors surround me lining the walls as far down as I could see. I broke into a jog then I ran as fast as I could, the doors rushing past me. Suddenly a force grabs me, pulling me along faster and faster. I see a white blur in front of me as I get pulled. As I rush past it I see a glimpse of a further room but only for a second. Then it was gone.

I wake up from my bed to see Hermione coming out of the bathroom. "Oh, you're finally awake. I would have woken you up but you came back really late. I was waiting for you but I must've fallen asleep, I'm sorry Eleanor."

I sat up on my bed, but I felt a tinge of pain strike my hand as I started to remember the night before. I hid my hand under my sheet, carefully and slowly, making sure Hermione wouldn't notice.

"It's okay Hermione, I would have probably fallen asleep too," I replied softly.

"Oh, but Harry did go out to look for you at about, errr... nine o'clock I think. What took you so long?" She asked.

I knocked my brain trying to find a good excuse to fool Hermione because it wasn't an easy thing to do"Oh, She had me doing some lines, took me forever to do though. I guess I was writing really slowly too... Err you know... waste her time, yeah..." I gave her a reassuring smile to which she gave an odd look but went on with dressing into her robes.

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