part twenty five

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ꜱɴᴀᴘᴘɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ

└─────── °∘❉∘° ───────┘

My feet took me around the castle, trying to find the boy but he was nowhere in sight. I didn't think he'd be in his common room nor Hogsmeade and I didn't have the time to go back. The only place that was left was the Great Hall and to my luck, he was sitting at the Slytherin table but with his friends.

I slowly made my way over to the group, lightly tracking what I was going to say to get him away from his group, but I knew something was going to be said as Pansy was there. She had a certain hatred for me and I didn't understand why. I made my way over slowly, closing my hands into a fist.

"Err... Hello. Ummm, D-Draco, c-can I talk to y-you?" I had pleading eyes and I couldn't really see what he was thinking, he only just started back at me with his grey eyes.

"What makes you think you can just come here and interrupt us, Huh? Filthy mudblood!!" Pansy's mouth grew into an evil smirk while the rest of her goons laughed behind her. I felt a little pathetic standing there, waiting for Draco to say something but he just sat there looking at me, like he was in some sort of daze.

"Draco...?" I said softly but Pansy stood up and walked over to me.

"You're still here. Why don't you go run along to your own kind, Mudblood?" She spat again. Heavy breaths were leaving my mouth as she just stood there with laughs following behind her. I was getting uncomfortable and fed up with her, so I turned back to Draco and was about to say something before the bitch cut me off.

"Oh my God! You just won't leave will you, did you have a crush on Draco or something!" She reached up to my hair and flicked it at me. "Even your hair is as pathetic as you are." She leaned in closer, her lips near my ear. "He'll never love someone like you." She went to touch my hair again but I grabbed her wrist and faced her.

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