part seventeen

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ᴘᴀʀᴛ xᴠɪɪ

ᴘᴀʀᴛ xᴠɪɪ

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ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴛᴇʀʀɪᴛᴏʀʏ

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I woke up with a heavy blanket wrapped around me. Blinking around I noticed the walls were taller and the room was brighter. And when I realised I wasn't in my room but in the common room, my heart jumped slightly in my chest.

There was a heaviness to my side that I already figured would be a sleeping Harry, whose chest rose and fell with every breath. 

"He's out like a light, seems he must be really tired." I flipped my head around, a little caught off guard when Ron was sitting on the head of the couch. A playful smirk sat on his face.

My head bubbled as the morning light stung my eyes and a slight chillness met my face. "Why are you up so early Ron?" I said quietly, careful not to wake the sleeping boy next to me.

"What do you mean early?" He laughed. "It's the middle of the day! Harry's only got like two more hours till the third task starts."

I felt my eyes widen. "WHAT?!" I yelled loud enough to wake Harry, who sat straight in a jolt. 

"It is way too early for you guys to be screaming like that." He groaned, falling back into the softness of the couch. "Wait, why am I here?" 

I grasped his shoulders in a rush. "Harry! It's nearly dawn. You need to go get ready now!" If Harry wasn't fully awake before, he was now. He stood up and ran to his dorm without saying anything.

"If I had gone back to sleep... That would have been terrible." Ron placed a hand on my head and told me to go get ready. We were meeting his mother and older brother beforehand so he didn't want to be late. I walked to my dorm to see Hermione sitting on her bed brushing her hair.

She caught my gaze through the mirror and instantly lit up. "Oh hey, Eleanor, I saw you sleeping in the common room. You and Harry must have had a big night..."

I felt inclined to punch her but I gulped down the feeling and continued my way over to the bathroom. "Oh shut up, nothing happened." 

"Are you wearing Harry's clothes?" She asked, perking her head through the crack of the door. I flipped around and just stared at her. "That's his jumper, I know because it has that writing on it." She said while pointing. I tried to contain the hot feeling that spread throughout my face.

"We got stuck in the rain and had no choice. Cause we were at the Quidditch locker rooms." I tried to say as plainly as possible. 

Her brows furrowed together as she rested her hand on the door. "Why were you guys there?" 

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