part fifty two

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ᴘᴀʀᴛ ʟɪɪ

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ᴛʀᴀɪɴ ᴡʀᴇᴄᴋ

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I made my way down to the train with Hermione after changing into some clean clothes. I could tell Hermione wanted to ask me some questions as she kept glancing over at me but she decided to keep the silent presence as we walked over. Even if she asked me I would have no way to answer, because I myself had no idea what happened.

I boarded the train, following behind Hermione who kept peaking into each compartment trying to find an empty one.

"This one." She called out while making her way in with her big trunk.

I stood by the door, waiting for Hermione to put her trunk up on the top shelf, but she was struggling so I went over to help.

"One.. two... three push." I counted and we successfully placed it there.

"Let's do yours now," Hermione said, bringing my trunk towards me.

After doing so, we both plopped ourselves on the seats. I was next to the window, with a new book I hadn't read yet and a pen in my free hand while Hermione sat opposite of me.

"D-Do you think..." I started. "Do you t-think that H-Harry and Ronald are g-going to s-sit with u-us?"

Hermione didn't look very happy as she stared at the compartment door. "I'm not sure..."

I silently nodded and opened the pages of my new book. The only thing I knew about it was that it was a love story between a girl and a boy that was doomed to end... or so I thought.

I started reading through the pages, writing small little notes on the side of my pages while I tapped my fingers on the hardcover of my book.

The door slammed open loudly and I looked up as quickly as my pen dropped from my hand.

"Found you guys finally," Ronald was standing at the door and he had a stupid smile on his face. "Mind if we join you guys?"

"We?" I questioned and I saw a raven-haired boy standing behind him.

Hermione looked over at me and I weakly smiled over at her while nodding.

"Yeah, go ahead." She said to the boys and so they made their way in.

Nothing really happened while they put their things up but Hermione did keep giving me worried glances and I only smiled at her to tell her I was okay...which may have been a lie.

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