part thirty five

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ᴘᴀʀᴛ xxxᴠ

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ɴᴏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ

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I arrived at a tall light coloured building, which most definitely looked like an elegant palace. The gates boarded around the school, cutting it off from the outside world. I didn't know how I was supposed to go inside nor call someone because there was nothing to do, so I just waited near the gate.

A few minutes later I was greeted by a tall dark-haired boy. He looked to be wearing a light blue blazer, which matched the theme of the uniform, though I was unsure if it was a co-ed school.

"I am so sorry, I got caught up," the boy said. I was surprised to see he didn't have an accent, but rather a British one.

"Oh-h, no. It's fine. I-I wasn't waiting t-that long." I couldn't steady my voice. Dammit.

"Oh haah, I'm still sorry. Here, come through the gates now."

A small flutter flashed and the path was now cleared, welcoming me into the school. He helped me with trunks and we walked side by side. It was a quiet silence as I tried not to stare anywhere to make things weird, but it wasn't helping.

My attention was soon caught by the elegant palace that I laid my eyes on. Sure, it was no Hogwarts but it sure was beautiful...I held my breath as I looked around the white marble floors, the creamy white walls and royal artworkS that lit up the halls. I couldn't stop looking.

𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 | ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now