part sixty

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ᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ

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It was the night of Professor Slughorn's little feast and well I didn't know what to think nor what to wear. Hermione had already dressed in a nice striped sweater and some blue jeans while I was still stuck. All my dinner-worthy outfits lay down on my bed. I decided to go for straight wide jeans and a cropped blue top with a white jacket... It's the only thing I could think of, causal like Mione but still clean looking.

Hermione and I after getting dressed made our way down to the common room where Harry had been waiting for us. It wasn't anything new as I said a small "Hello," and kept my head down, trying to avoid the obvious awkwardness between us. 

I went to move my hair out of the way when I felt my neck was bare. "My necklace...?" I quickly rushed out. Hermione looked down at me confused when I only shook my head. "You guys head there first, I forgot something." I didn't give them any time to say anything as I quickly ran back to my room.

I went to my bedside table seeing my gold-plated necklace laying there. I flipped it over and clipped it on rushing back down expecting Hermione and Harry to have already left, which they did, though I had found someone else, with red eyes, and constant sniffing. It was Ginny. I rushed to her side as she walked slowly in the same direction I was going.

"Ginevra!" I yelled, a sense of worry dripping from my voice. Her feet halted as she looked frantically to wipe away at her face. Once I finally caught up to her she eyed me in a way that I shouldn't have called her name. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not." She spat, her narrowing eyes and clenched jaw, scaring me the most. I slowly nodded, unsure of what I was supposed to say.

"Do you perhaps w-want to talk about?" I asked hesitantly. I knew very well not to pry. She gave me an empty stare as her chin trembled.

A sigh left her mouth as her shoulders dropped. "It's just I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling. It's too difficult." She cried, covering her face with her hands. "Dean, Harry... even... Draco..."

I stood there stunned. Stunned at the fact Harry's name was on the list. I didn't even think to know Ginny had feelings for Harry, but I did know it didn't make me feel good. "You like them all?"

"I don't know... It's hard to explain..." She spoke as she bit her lip. I admit I felt odd seeing her cry. Ginny was a strong girl who always showed and performed her best, it hurt seeing like this but then again I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know how to help. "I had liked Harry when I started school but then you came in and he fell for you. I feel like I have no chance with him even if you guys have already broken up..."

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