part seventy six

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There's like a rush feeling that goes it my head when I'm anxious, or feel confused or even when I'm sad. I feel like I've done something wrong. I feel like I saw something bad when it didn't even happen.  

I feel stressed and unwell when I see Harry sitting on the floor numbly, as the Potions textbook laid limp in his hands. The air was frosty and if anyone else walked in they would think we were being dramatic...but it really wasn't. 

We all sat around, watching and waiting...for the silence to be interrupted.

And it did. 

"So what do we do?" Emily was the first to break it, not caring for the atmosphere or the issue at hand. 

Maybe I was just a little sour. 

"We have to get rid of the book." Hermione pointed out, a little uncertainty mixed into her voice.  

Harry stood up, as I looked away. "I'll do it now. It's my book anyways...I'm responsible for it." I could hear thumps coming towards me and the next thing I knew, I was staring at a pair of shoes. "Eleanor."

My head ducked up and I met those green eyes that made me feel warm. "Yes?" 

"Let's go." He held his hand out and I took it, not letting another second go by. 

We walked out of the common room, hand in hand but stopped when we had no clue where to go. 

"I'm going to be honest...I don't know where we should put it." He groaned. "Like do we throw it into the forest, the black lake?" I could tell he was trying to make a joke out of such a grim topic, and he never failed to make me feel better. 

I stifled a laugh and shook my head. "Of course not." 

"Finally." He breathed. 


"I haven't seen you smile all was beginning to worry me." He soothed, brushing my hair back. "I missed it." 

"Sorry. I've just had a lot of things in my mind lately." I knew I had been glum idiot lately, but I didn't know everyone was starting to catch on. 

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