part fifty

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└─────── °∘❉∘° ───────┘

I woke up three days later in the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey had told me that my father had left to help deal with some issues at the Ministry of Magic. School's semester was ending in two days but I still didn't have any answers as I had only just woken up. I needed to talk to Harry.

I sat myself up on my bed, leaning on the back for support. Madame Pomfrey had finished looking at my injuries and said I was ready to move about again, though it was still the middle of the day, she advised that I got out during lunch with the help of my friends. Turns out I was out for five days. Even after all that rest, my body felt so weak as if when you were in the middle of being sick.

I looked around me to see the rest of the beds were covered neatly with the white sheets that lay empty, meaning that everyone was already well enough to move around.

The sound of the doors creaking open caught my attention. A smile appeared on my face when the slight voices of Ron and Hermione could be heard.

"Ron, don't be stupid! She needs rest." Hermione spoke, looking at Ron in a rather harsh way.

But Ron only shrugged his shoulders. "What? She needs to get out of this place. Bloody hell Hermione, she's been in here for too long."

"I think I can agree with Ron on this one Mione."

The sound of my voice made the two look my way, and it looked as if joy filled them. They ran the rest of the way over to me, Ron slightly tripping over his own two feet but catching himself before he met the ground.

"Eleanor, finally!" Gushed Ron.

"Miss me?" I laughed.

"You have no idea," chimed in Hermione, taking my hand in hers. "We missed you so much."

I gave her hand a tight squeeze. "I missed you guys too."

I looked around for a certain boy who wore glasses but he was nowhere in sight.

"If you're looking for Harry," trailed off Ron. "He's not here."

The smile on their faces dropped as did their eyes. "He's not well." Spoke Hermione

"You mean sick?" I asked.

"No, no, nothing like that. It's just..he's feeling things right now. I think he was talking to Dumbledore as well."

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