part nineteen

376 21 4

ᴘᴀʀᴛ xɪx

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ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍʏᴛʜꜱ

└─────── °∘❉∘° ───────┘

"Dad, why do you do this...where are we going?" Right now we were walking down a dark street, outside in the cold. He had asked me to pack my trunk for school because we weren't coming back home before school started. We turned up near a sign that read 'Privet Drive'. "Why are we here? Why am I here and why aren't you saying anything-"

"Sweetheart, you're being a bit too loud." I rolled my eyes, only getting all the more frustrated as I hugged myself more as it was getting cold and it was the middle of the night. Dad made me stay quiet as we watched a car drive off with three people.

"All clear." He yelled and suddenly wizards and witches surrounded us. I recognised one of them to be Mad-Eye Moody but the rest were unknown. I held my father's hand out of habit and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Well everyone, this is my daughter, Eleanor." He said, I was slightly hiding behind him until he pulled me to his front and put both his hands on my shoulder. They all stared at me with smiles and frowns showing on their faces. All I could muster up was a hello.

But a lady stepped forward, whose hair glowed purple. "Hi, My name's Tonks and this is Kingsley Shacklebolt. No need to know the rest of them... They aren't well... nice." She said, I gave a weak smile and my father pulled me towards a house. I didn't know why I was there but I just went along with it and made sure to not let go of my father's hand. I heard the door unlocking but it wasn't any of our doing. We all watched silently as the door slowly creaked open and a certain raven-haired boy peaked through the crack.

"Professor Lupin!" he said, confusion dripping from his voice. That's when I pieced everything together and realised we were standing at his house.

Without thinking anymore, I pushed past my father and ran straight for the boy, not giving him enough time to even see it was me. "Harry," I smiled, as we both lost balance and he was pushed against a wall. I think after a few seconds of me not letting go, he finally realised it was me when his arms flew around my waist.

𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 | ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now