part sixty six

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ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴇʟʟ

└─────── °∘❉∘° ───────┘

The living room had been decorated in pretty reds and greens, all over, with a big brightly lit Christmas tree we had all decorated a few weeks ago. Harry, Ron and I had sat ourselves down on the living room couch. 

"So what?" Ron prodded. "I thought it was rather funny...was it not?"

"Don't get me wrong Ron," I said, trying my best not to laugh. "You really funny when you don't intend to be but, that joke was not it." 

Ron gave me a side eye and went back to eating his tart, trying to ignore what I had said. "Sadly Eleanor, you just don't get it." He smiled. "Harry does, don't you Harry?" 

But when we both looked over at him he had been looking down at my hand in his, sitting on his lap. I nudged him to get his attention which worked but he looked as lost as ever. 


I smiled at him. 

But Ron only groaned. "Great, we're back to this again." 

Harry let out a laugh while I pinched Ron's cheeks to which he put his hands out in defence. The only thing we were missing now was Hermione...

Our attention shifted to the heavy footsteps making their way towards the living room, to us. And instantly I pulled my hand away and Harry scooted over, spreading out on the big couch. 

It was the Adults, making their appearance one after another. All were there except for Ron's mom. 

We were convinced that we should leave the room, giving each other long glances and odd frowns but we lost the opportunity when they greeted us. 

"Hello." Tonks smiled, sitting down next to my father. 

"Hi." Ron smiled back, looking between the adults.

There was an awkward silence as I kept my head down to avoid giving anyone a weird glance. 

"How have you kids been." Asked Mr Weasley finally, breaking the silence while propping a pillow on his lap.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Fine...I guess."

"You don't sound so sure."

"Things have been normal," Ron said this time, a frown appearing on his face. 

"Your free to speak your mind here." My father, this time decided to give his input. "It's a safe space."

I tried hard not to laugh at his words.  

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