part seventy five

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ᴘᴀʀᴛ ʟxxᴠ

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ɪᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ

└─────── °∘❉∘° ───────┘

I fell asleep.  

I mean I knew I fell asleep since it felt airy and I was standing in the middle of Harry's dorm, staring at Ron's back as he weirdly star gazed out the window. 

Harry's figure quickly slumped into the dark dormitory but stopped upon seeing Ron, on the floor, glittering in the moonlight, in a trail of candy foils. And I couldn't help but laugh when I saw that he was in his PJ's upon the window sill, with a heart shaped box by his side. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon." Ron asked, as he peered through. He seemed off, in the slightest. Loose and really not like himself at all, then worry shot through me, thinking that maybe Lavender had changed him completely after all.    

Harry on the other hand didn't seem to realise anything was wrong and stamped around his room. "Divine." He agreed, not really paying any attention. It made me frown seeing him still a little heated from before and I knew that it was straight after he felt my room. "Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we?"

Ron continued to peer out the window. "It was on your bed. The box. Thought I'd try one." 

Harry looked at all the wrappers around their bedroom floor and laughed. "Or twenty."

Ron then abruptly turned around, making Harry take a step back. "I can't stop thinking about her, Harry."

Harry's face contorted. "Really? Honestly, I reckoned she was starting to annoy you." 

"She could never annoy me." He said in a rush, finally standing up. "I think...I think I love her."

"Excuse me?" Ron nods making Harry looked bewildered. "Well brilliant." 

There was a pause where Ron stared at Harry and Harry looked away awkwardly. "Do you think she knowns I exist?" 

"Bloody well hope so." He chuckled. "She's been snogging you for three months." 

"Snogging? Who're you talking about?" 

"Who're you talking about?" 

"Romilda, of course. Romilda Vane." 


Harry gapes openly at Ron, then falls into a sly grin. 

"Okay. Very Funny."

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