Questions but no answers

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Edward's POV-

To say i didn't freeze when i saw her would be a lie, i was speechless, her amazing E/c were bright even in this cloudy hell hole called Forks.

I felt a pull towards her, but before i could confront her i had a set of arms wrap around me and give me a hug.

I didn't need to look down to know it was Renesmee.

"Hey, how have you been?" I questioned looking down at my daughter.

"Meh, it's school" Renesmee stated giving me this odd look, which confused me.

"How about you Bella?"

Recking anyone else's lives?

Don't get me wrong I love Renesmee it's just... I kind of wish it never happened... I wish I wasn't so weak.

"You know the same as always" Bella stated smiling as she lent in to give me a kiss.

Before her lips even had a chance to connect I moved.                         

"What have i said about that" I stated giving her a look.

"I just thought maybe we could you know try again for Renesmee's sake" Bella stated giving me this awkward smile.

"For Renesmee's sake? She 60 something years old Bella! If we didn't try back when she was first born we are definitely not trying now!" I snapped still thinking about my mate i only saw seconds ago.

I looked to where i saw her last and was disappointed to see her car missing.

"You don't even know your own daughters age?!" Bella shouted at me causing eyes to fall on us in the parking lot.

"This is not the time Bella!" I snapped once my eyes landed on her again.

"So when is Edward?!" Bella shouted.

"Maybe when we're not surrounded by a bunch of humans who don't understand how we have a 70 year old daughter and yes i do know my daughters age, don't you ever make me sound like a bad father!" I whispered to her before moving away from her.

I wrapped my arm around Renesmee who who was leaning on the car calmly waiting for us.

I led Renesmee to my car and climbed in and started the engine.

"What about mum?" Renesmee asked confused.

"She's gonna head back to her house and do some of her homework to get it out of the way and I'm taking you to see Esme and Carlisle" I stated as i drove.

"Grandma and Grandpa" Renesmee stated correcting me.

"Yeah, yeah, Grandma and Grandpa" I replied, for some reason it felt wrong her calling Carlisle and Esme Grandma and Grandpa, I'm not sure if its because Carlisle and Esme aren't really my parent or for some other reason but it didn't matter, to her they are her grandparents and even if I'm not sure about it, it wont magically change.

Eventually we arrived at the house and to my surprise nothing has changed.

"Hey dad?" Renesmee said in an unsure tone.

"Yes?" I asked curios of what she wanted to ask.

"Why didn't you tell me the girl from your stories were real?" Renesmee asked.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked playing dumb.

"I met her Dad, I met Y/n and mum hates her but I don't understand why because she's so nice and not at all evil and heartless like mum says she is-" I quickly cut Renesmee off.

"Wait a second! You met Y/n? And your mother has been telling you she was evil and heartless?!" I asked angry.

"Yes I met Y/n, and yes that's basically what she's been telling me about this Y/n chick all day, and I really don't understand why?" renesmee stated confused.

"Y/n is anything but evil and heartless! She risked her life to save you mother 70 years ago! She risked her life to save all of your aunts and uncles" I explained trying to make Y/n seem good in Renesmees eyes again.

"I know dad I could tell she was nice but... I don't understand why mum doesn't like her, if everything you've told me is true" Renesmee stated.

"Your mother never liked Y/n because of some personal thing that I rather not tell you" I stated not wanting to make Bella's own daughter to hate her own mother.

"Come on Dad! I'm 69 turning 70 this year, I can take it, i can think for myself so just tell me and I can make up my own mind!" Renesmee fought back.

"Renesmee, don't just don't okay!" I stated trying to keep my cool yet I failed getting louder as I spoke.

"Fine" I'll just ask Y/n myself renesmee thought to herself.

"You can if you want but... I highly doubt she would tell you" I stated nearly certain.

"Why not?" Renesmee asked curious.

"Because, she will never turn a child on her parents even if she hates them" I stated not thinking of the upcoming questions.

"But why though?!" Renesmee shouted frustrated.

"Because no matter how bad her parents were to her she would never turn her little sister against them!" I stated loudly trying not to loose my temper.

"What did they used to do to her?" Renesmee asked quietly barely above a whisper.

"Can you please stop asking me questions Renesmee and come inside, please" I pleaded to my daughter.

Renesmee didn't ask another question and walked inside silently not even looking back at me.

But she quietly whispered under her breath, meaning for me to hear it.

'Guess I can't trust either of my parents'

"Take that bad right now Renesmee! You can alway trust your mum and I" I fought back angry.

"REALLY DAD?! Can I really trust you and mum?! Because right now it doesn't really feel like it! First mum warns me about Y/n and then you won't answer any questions I have about her?!" Renesmee shouted back.

"Renesmee don't you dare say you can't trust us, we are you parents-" I started but Renesmee cut me off.

"Are you?! Because it doesn't really feel like it! You disappear for years and while your gone I'm lucky to get a call once a week! And I get it you were busy but you never even told me why you were gone! That doesn't sound very father like to me! Not to mention mum who act more like a teenager then I am! Talking about boys, and creating little plans to become Queen bee of Forks high school just like you and the rest of our family was when she went there! It's almost like you're both so wrapped up in one of your many past lives that I don't even matter to either of you!" Renesmee shouted.

"You do matter to me!" I shouted back defending myself.

"Sure I do Dad" she stated before turning around and walking into the house.

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