For once and for all

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I sat there while Emmett was trying to figure out what to say.

"Emmett are you going to tell me or just waist time?" I asked him wanting no needing answers.

"Okay um what did Bella tell you?" Emmett asked.

"Um how her and Edward slept together, she got pregnant and then came little miss miracle baby, then Bella became a vampire and I think that's about all" I stated not really sure if I said all.

"Well her and Edward did sleep together but that's not what got Bella pregnant" Emmett stayed confusing me.

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

"Well Edward told her that he didn't love her and didn't want to be with her and that it was a big mistake and that he was still in love with you, and Bella didn't take that well, she told him she understood and that everything was okay and that she was there for him if he ever needed to talk" Emmett started.


"Now Edward doesn't know this but... Renesmee isn't his, she's Jacob Blacks daughter, Jacob is imprinted on Bella and Renesmee has this weird immortality spell on her to make Edward believe she's actually his... now because Jacob is imprinted on Bella who is now a vampire he is now also immortal you know until Bella dies" Emmett explained.

"Wait so Renesmee isn't Edward but she's Jacobs, and Jacob is imprinted on Bella... so why did Bella fake Renesmee as his??" I asked confused.

"Because Bella always want things she can have" Emmett stated.

"Tell me more" I stated leaning forward craving more information.

"Well even Renesmee believes it, she has no clue" Emmett stated making me instantly feel bad for Renesmee.

"Wait how do you know all this again?" I asked confused.

"Jacob went searching for me 60 something years ago begging for my help to get him his daughter and imprint back, he told me everything, and that's when I came back to the family 10 years after I thought you were dead... 10 years after Rosalie broke up with me" Emmett stated.

"Why did she um... break up with you?" I asked.

"Well after you died and she realised Bella was staying she and I left, she wanted so badly to go back that she believed you were still alive, because she knew the only way to get read of Bella was you. During her quest to find you she became distant and well... long story short she broke up with me" Emmett explained.

I looked down feeling utterly guilty about everything that had happened.

It's all my fault.

If I didn't just disappear Emmett and Rosalie would of never broken up.

Bella wouldn't have been able to trick Edward.

Who ever Jacob black is wouldn't have a missing imprint because she would still be with him with their baby.

Renesmee would of been able to grow up and possible found her imprint and marry have kids and then pass way like a normal person does, she could of actually had a life.

This family is going through hell because of Bella and I... and this has to stop.

For everyone's sake.

"Emmett, I need to fix this" I stated looking at my hands.

"That's why everyone's coming back, to help prove what happened to Edward... Alice tried to warn him before it happened, but he was too emotional and wouldn't listen to her and yelled at her to shut the hell up and stop with the stupid visions" Emmett explained.

"That doesn't sound like something Edward would do" I replied confused.

"Well, she told him you would live and... I guess he lost hope after you didn't come back
to him" Emmett explained.

"I couldn't come back" I stated.

"Why not? Look I'm not judging you, it's just a lot has happened and I can't help but think that this wouldn't have happened if you just... came back, or if we all made a plan together instead of how it went" Emmett fought back.

I stayed quiet unsure of what to say, I understood where he was coming from. Who couldn't... but i believed I was doing the right thing.

Protecting Bella, killing Victoria and not telling anyone the plan that didn't need to know.

I had my reasons but they had their own I guess.

I'd hate it if Edward did what I did, I'd hate to think that he was dead for so long only to have him come back from the dead.

"Look Y/n I just want answers, I want to know why... you didn't come back, why you didn't tell anyone the plan" Emmett said quietly looking down at his hands.

"I didn't come back because... I didn't know if Victoria was dead or alive and I had her little group of followers come after me. Then when they were finally gone, I had already lost you guys, I didn't have a clue of where you guys were, and I didn't tell anyone the plan because..." I stopped talking for a second not sure how to say it.

"Because?" Emmett pressed leaning his elbows on his knees.

"Because, I didn't want anyone to talk me out of it... i didn't want anyone to stop me from doing it and knew if any of you guys tried to tell me not to... I knew, I would have folded" I stated looking down ashamed.

"Thank you for telling me, and I'll forgive you... as long as you don't do it again, you can't leave us again and you have to tell us every single plan you come up with" Emmett stated sticking his hand out for me.

I knew what he was asking, he was asking for my honesty.

"I promise" I stated shaking his hand making a promise that was I was bound to break eventually, I was just a matter of when and where and not to mention why.

Only time could tell where this is going to go.

"Now let's prove to Edward that Bella's a liar and hopefully get her out of our lives... for once and for all" I stated.

"For once and for all" Emmett agreed shaking my hand.

For once and for all.

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