School part 2

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Y/n's POV:

I go sit down when Alice past me a note.

Alice-that's Jasper say hello :)

I turn to the guy next to me he looked nervous I took a deep in needed breath before turning to face him.

"Hello I'm Y/n you must be Jasper" I said as nicely as I possibly could.

"Hi" he replied simply.

I looked over at Alice asking for help.

She handed me another piece of paper this time for Jasper.

"This if for you from Alice" I stated handing him the note.

He read it and looked up at Alice than at me I could see him relax now and he looked more happier.

I look at Alice confused so I write a note to her.

Y/n-what did you do to make him so happy?

I than passed it to her, she read it than wrote another one quickly handing t back to me.

Alice- I told him what you are he's new to the whole vegetarian thing.

Once I read that I understood why he's so closed off.

A couple minutes later I have my head down on the desk wishing I was able to sleep if there are two things I miss about being a human they are sleep and eating/drinking, things some humans take for granted.

I also miss going in the sun you know without shining like a disco ball.

I heard the door open and a guys voice I was zoned out and didn't care so I didn't look up.

About 35 minutes later the bell rang and everyone stood up getting ready to leave, everyone exited the room but not without homework.

I walk away from everyone and go to my locker which I opened and swapped my gym clothes and history book for my maths, English, and biology books.

I then close my locker and head into the cafeteria where I look around for a place to sit.

I see Alice and her family sitting near some widows but I didn't want to invite myself over.

I than saw Bella sitting at a table full of people I've never met.

I look around and spot an empty table I start to go over to it when I smell that smell again.

I sat down and pulled out my book and start reading when I heard the noice of a sudden chair squeaking against the floor but ignored it and kept reading remembering this is a high school cafeteria.

I'm pulled out of my book when the cafeteria went dead silent and I noticed everyone was staring at me.

I looked around and noticed that Alice and the big guy with shirt brown hair was gone form their table.

I'm suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

Believe it or not I don't freak out I just roll with it and hang there, then I notice Alice carrying my bag for me smiling. 

I must admit when I'm in a lazy mood I'm like a rag doll.

I'm put down in someone's lap but don't dare to look at who's I just look at everyone in front of me.

"Hey Jasper, Rosalie, hey Alice thanks for carrying my bag for me" I said acting like nothing happened which makes Alice smile.

"No problem" Alice said smiling.

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