Can I stay?

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Y/n's POV:

I drank the blood of the big mountain lion finally happy to have something in my stomach.

"Okay now lets go to Carlisle" Alice said standing up.

She put her blood covered hand out for me to grab.

I took it and stood up wiping my hands on my denim jeans.

Alice did the same.

"Do I have anything on my face?" I asked.

"Blood all around your mouth" Alice laughed.

"Stop laughing your not much better" I stated wiping my face on my black

She stopped laughing and did the same.

"Is it gone?" I asked l.

"Yep what about me?" She asked.

"Your clean" I said.

"Great now Carlisle just caught a deer so let go" Alice said grabbing my arm and running.

We reached a blonde haired man who was drinking a deers blood.

There was a woman next to him with brown hair she looked beautiful.

"Alice I see you found a friend" the lady said with a smile shaking her head.

"Hey Esme this is my new friend y/n shes here to talk to Carlisle about staying in Forks" Alice explained.

Carlisle liked up and when he saw me he smiled.

"Y/n I was wondering when you would arrive" Carlisle said.

"Carlisle!" I yelled happily smiling.

Alice looked confused but shrugged it off.

"So what did you need to ask?" Carlisle questioned standing up.

"Oh yeah um... I was hoping for your approval to let me stay in Forks" I stated I a questioning tone.

"Of course you can but there are some rules" Carlisle said.

"Like?" I questioned.

"No harming the people, no biting people, do not cross the border, we follow these rules and we'll have peace with the wolf's" Carlisle stated.

"Okay" I responded.

"Welcome to forks" Carlisle said smiling, I smiled back happy to have Both a home and friends.

"Thank you" I said.

"Of course now I'm hungry so I'm going to continue hunting and I invite you to our house next Friday night after school and I could even get Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper or Edward to come get you or go with you, see yin Friday y/n" Carlisle said.

"See yuh Friday Carlisle" I responded knowing there was no fighting with Carlisle.

And like that Carlisle and Esme were gone but Alice remained.

"Hey y/n are you sure I don't know you?" Alice asked again.

"Nope, I didn't know who you were until and hour ago" I responded.

"Well okay I'll see you around y/n bye" Alice said.

"Bye" I responded waving as she ran off.

I ran off to my car and drove home and put my phone on charge and went and have a shower and then got changed into a singlet and shorts and relaxed wish me luck schools on Monday.

Edward's POV:

We all finish hunting and then ran home to go get ready for school.

"When we got home I went and got changed into sweat pants and white tank top.

I than put my music on laid on the couch with a book.

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