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Y/n's POV:

After math ended I walked out of the school grounds and sat in my car I pulled out my phone and called Carlisle desperately needing answers.

"Hello?" Carlisle answered.

"Carlisle I-I need your help" I stuttered.

"Y/n what do you need?" Carlisle asked worry lacing his voice.

"Who's Edward Anthony Masen?!" I asked urgently.

"How do you remember him?!" Carlisle asked.

"Look Carlisle first I had Alice pull me out of class interrogating me then after I answered all her questions she doesn't answer mine all she said is she had to talk to Edward then bolted out of the bathroom I leave bathroom to see her talking to Edward she taps him on the shoulder and he turns around we make eye contact he freezes and I have a flash of old memories that I couldn't see until I found my mate and I notice I'm standing in front of my old best friend and crush Edward Anthony Masen! I want to know what the hell is going on!" I ranted into the phone.

I'm scared, stressed, and a bunch of other emotions that I haven't felt in year.

"Y/n I know your stressed and possibly scared it's okay to be scared take the hour to calm down then go to your next class everything will be okay just don't think about this around Edward or use your gift if you do" Carlisle replied.

"Okay" I answered quietly.

"If you need to talk come over to night and we'll talk about this more" Carlisle told me.

"Okay thanks bye Carlisle"

"Bye" after that I hung up and put my head in the steering wheel.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my passenger door opening and someone getting in.

I turn to see it was Rosalie sitting in my passenger seat.

"So the teacher sent me to go find you and bring you to class" Rosalie stated.

"Great" I grumbled.

"Are you okay?" She asked turning to face me.

"It doesn't matter" I stated.

"It does matter but if you don't want to talk about it that's fine"

"It's just I know I wanted them to do it but now I just feel like my life has been a lie and I hate it this morning I showed up to school not remembering who my best friend was when I was human or their name or what they looked like they just weren't there I knew it was a guy who died form the Spanish influenzas back in 1918 but now I found out that my best friends name was Edward Anthony Masen and he didn't really die and-and Carlisle and me got these people to hide my memories from me actually they hid the memory of my best friend slash crush so I wouldn't go looking for him and they would only be unhidden when I found my mate and would be able to move on but obviously it didn't work because I saw your brother's face it all came back to me everything the pain I felt when he died the love I felt for him the way his mother tried to get him to court me and every time he would laugh and say we were only friends and I remember how my heart used to crack ever so slightly when he said that I remember it all and my feelings are back but what if he doesn't remember me what happens if he still thinks I'm just his friend and I wonder if a non beating heart can still break" I ranted.

If I could cry I would be right now.

"Y/n it's going to be okay Edward remembers you but he's still unsure if you remember him, in the end you need to decide what to do because no one else can tell you what to do" Rosalie stated.

"I don't want him to know I know" I stated.

"Then don't tell him or think about it around him" Rosalie said.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course"

"You know how some vampires have powers?" I asked.

"You mean how Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future and Jasper can manipulate emotions?" Rosalie asked.

"Yes exactly like that I have powers as well kind of you see I can block peoples thoughts from other peoples I can also read peoples minds but I have to really try I can only read peoples minds when I'm looking right at them and my eyes change colour depending on who I'm around" I stated.

"That's cool" Rosalie states.

"Yeah I guess it is" I said nodding.

"Now let's go to class"Rosalie stated getting out of the cari followed her lead and climb out and walk to English with Rosalie.

We got to English and I see the Cullens family split, Alice, Jasper and Edward all sitting in the right back corner and Emmett sat alone in the left corner with three empty desks.

Rosalie guided me to the table in the middle of her and Emmett.

What the hells happened here?

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