shopping or homework?

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3rd person-

Bella walked away tears rolling down her face.

She couldn't understand why she was crying, she was happy with Jacob but she always knew that she could always go back to Edward if anything went wrong but now that option is gone.

The way Edward looks at Y/n is so different than he ever looked at her.

She was jealous but of what?

That Y/n and Edward are together?

Or is it that Y/n and Edward are closer than Edward and her ever were.

Bella walked into her temporary room and clasped onto the bed digging her head into the pillow.

That night Bella went to sleep crying.

Y/n's POV-

Around 8 in the morning I decided to get up and have shower.

Edward was laying on my bed reading a book.

I walked to the bathroom and had my shower.

I mainly focused on my hair untangling it, from laying on my bed reading all night.

I eventually got out of the shower and wrapped my self in a towel then froze.

I forgot my bloody clothes!I viewed my options and decided not to be a coward.

I walked into my room walking past a very surprised Edward and into my walk in closet.

I got into a matching bra and panty set and then looked around the closet for something I would actually like to wear.

I then saw a giant t-shirt and black leggings and I instantly knew what I was going to wear.

I jumped into the amazing clothes and then put my hair into a messy bun.

I ran into my main area of my bedroom and jumped onto my bed making it bounce Edward lightly causing him to smile slightly.

"Hello beautiful" He said putting his book down and turning to me.

"Hey handsome" I replied smiling happily knowing I finally had him back.

"What are you planning to do today?" Edward asked leaning over to me and placing a kiss on my head causing me to grin.

"Well I promised Bella that I'd help her finish that Romeo and Juliet assignment today" I stated rolling out of bed and back onto my feet.

I began to walk away when two arms snaked around me and pulled me back onto the bed.

Edward started to shower me in kisses which caused me to giggle.

"Edward I need to get up now and help Bella" I stated trying to get up.

"Bella won't even be up for another hour at the least" Edward stated kissing me again forcing me to stay down.

"Edward I would like to at least get half of my work down before I even think about relaxing" I stated getting up and walking away.

"Fine!" Edward groaned getting up as well.

We walked into the lounge room and saw every vampire sitting there talking happily to each other.

"Hey yous two love bird" Alice greeted grinning at us.

"Does Y/n need a new bed yet?" Emmett asked a cheeky grin on his face causing Edward and I to laugh.

"No, we just talked last night" Edward stated causing Emmett and Jasper to roll their eyes.

"Really?" Rosalie questioned giving me a look.

"Really, I spent most of the night reading and catching up with Edward" I stated taking a seat next to the girls.

Alice looked shocked but Rosalie's reaction was the real shocker.

"Are you serious I did not give up Emmett and I's room so you and Edward could just talk! Y/n tell me your joking please! Or at least tell me your planning on doing it soon!" Rosalie begged giving me the look that told me she was serious.

"Look, I haven't seen Edward since I became a vampire I don't even know anything about this new Edward... it would be like sleeping with a total stranger" I replied.

"Everyone now days has no that, it's a pretty common thing" Rosalie argued.

"Yes but in my day you would be instantly branded as the town slut and instantly never be aloud to marry because no body would want to marry you" I replied rolling my eyes.

I believe times have changed for the better but I still believe in a lot of the values I grew up with such as no sex before marriage, I'm not against those who don't follow that rule though its their life. I just believe that it should be between two people who love each other very much that marry each other to spend their lives together for eternity not someone they found on the side of the road.Values have changed but I haven't and that's one value I'm going to keep.

"Why does it matter anyway, Rosalie if you really want Bella out of your room give her mine or something, its not like I really use it and I know it's a pan for you and Emmett" I stated feeling bad for Rosalie being kicked out of her room.

"Nope its all fine, just a little hard getting clothes in the morning but its all good" Rosalie said faking a happy voice.

"Well if it makes it easier you can use some of my clothes" I suggested not sure what else to offer.

"Nah I'll just steal some clothes from my room today and keep them in Emmett's room instead, just promise me you and Edward will talk about being more then just friends, at least come up with a title of what you guys are" Rosalie stated making me roll my eyes.

"Yes Rosalie I'll talk to Edward about it just keep it quiet, I don't want him to make major decision with everything that's going on" I replied.

"Fine" Rosalie said with a tone.

"Now Y/n do you like your room?" Alice asked trying to change the subject.

"I love it, I really feel at home in there" I replied quickly.

"Do you need anything else in there? Anymore books? Clothes? Anything at all, we can go to the shops in Seattle today and get you some" Alice suggested.

"Yeah I've been wanting to go to the shops in Seattle for awhile now so if you want to we can all go today" Rosalie suggested saying exactly what Alice said.

"Um yeah sure sounds fun, I just have to finish some of that school work today then we can go out if yous want" I replied.

"We can all work on our school work tonight  lets just go out now!" Rosalie stated causing me to grin.

"Really? Now? What about Bella?" I questioned.

"She can come too I guess but come on Y/n please we need a girls day we can do our work tonight and tomorrow so what do you say?" Alice said trying to talk me into it.

"I say... Let go to Seattle!" I cheered causing the girls to grin and cheer out as well.

A girls day.

Rosalie, Alice and I... and Bella.

What could go wrong.

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