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Y/N's POV-

After about 10 minutes of Edward celebrating about me being wrong we went inside the house.

We followed the voices to the kitchen where everyone was cleaning up and goofing around talking and being idiots, except for Rosalie who was cleaning the dishes while Jasper dried them.

Esme and Carlisle had retired to the sitting room where they were apparently talking about serious things... in other words talking about Bella and I.

But I don't think they'll have to worry about Bella and I, just the red head vampire who's on her way to kill both Bella and I.

Edward and I sat at the table next to each other.

Bella was sitting doing homework and then she had a confused look cover her face.

"what's wrong?" I questioned putting my problems behind me.

"oh um just this question don't worry about it" Bella stated as if she didn't want to disturb me and Edward.

"Are you sure, I'm happy to help" I stated.

"um well to which city does Romeo go after he was exiled from Verona? I thought it was Venice but it could be Rome which one is it?" Bella questioned.

"Its neither actually it's Mantua" I told her smiling at the memory.

Before I died Romeo and Juliet was my favorite book, its about true love that would always find its way back to each other no matter the optical, Edward was the one to buy the book for me.

Edward even took me to the play when ever it was running.

Even after we both died and I didn't remember him I still felt drawn to the play and forced, myself to watch them and  buy the movies.

A romance that always lasted through the depths of time.

"um who performed Romeos and Juliet's marriage? Friar Lawrence or Friar John?" Bella questioned.

"Friar Lawrence" I responded getting up out of my chair.

I walked over to Rosalie and Jasper were doing the dishes and started stacking them into the shelves.

"How am I meant to remember Who is the fairy that Mercutio says visits Romeo in his dreams?" Bella grumbled.

"Her name was Queen Mab" I answered simply.

"How do you remember that?" Bella questioned.

"It's her favorite movie, book, and play" Edward answered smiling at me.

"Really? I find it too... fake? How does two whole families hate each other to the point of killing each other on the streets and ids or teens or what ever still find love in each other? They have grown up hating each other and everything's just fixed? By them committing suicide? Highly unlikely" Bella stated.

"You see Bella you missed the whole point of the story... two families hated each other to the point they were killing each other on the streets and two teenagers fell in love with each other but they could never be together because of their families yet these two keep finding ways to let their love live no matter the optical, he was willing to loose everything just for Juliet it's all a girl could ever want" Rosalie defended the classical romance.

I nodded in agreement.

"I still don't get it I guess it because I'm more of a blood and gore girl" Bella reasoned.

"Actually that can't be it because Y/n and Rosalie also loves blood" Emmett joked causing all of us vampires to laugh and Bella sat there shocked like she said something wrong.

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